Saturday, August 28, 2010

8 Months

It was an absolutely, awesome and amazing August of 2010 with our adventurous and active twins...

Eating updates:

My baby food making skills have expanded to include butternut squash, string beans and peas. Planning on string beans and introducing fruit before the end of the month. French Vanilla yogurt causes a stir and guacamole but not together. Have added bagels, puffs, pancakes, pizza crust and sweet potato fries to the boys list of fun things to eat. The boys are having around 30 ounces per day and are both on the same formula (phew). Jackson will wake up anywhere between 3 to 7:30 for a bottle. He just wants the bottle and will goes back to sleep after he is finished. You could probably use Connor as an alarm clock with his routine 7:30 happy shout-out for his bottle.

Sleeping updates:

The boys are taking around 2 naps per day that range anywhere from 1 to 2 hours and if they do not take 2, they will take one long one. Connor is still fighting naps but we have decided that the best thing for him is to let him cry it out. Both of the boys get their last bottle around 8 p.m. and go to bed immediately thereafter. We read a couple of books - It's Pajama Time, The Going To Bed Book and Goodnight Moon and say our good nights.

General updates:

The boys met my Aunt Dolores and Uncle Tony this month and little Miss Macy, attended a luge party (no formula shots allowed) and spent the night at Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony's, went to the Waverly Farmers Market and Boordy again and spent lots of time with their Aunts and Uncles and cousins. Thanks to their pal, Benjamin, we have added some new Baby Einstein DVD's into the mix and they boys are mesmerized by the Kids Bop Kids. The boys have also acquired a fondness for Classical Baby. At times, they are so active that it is hard to keep their attention, especially Jackson but any of the Einsteins and/or portions of Classical Baby and select tunes from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse stops them in their tracks and result in open mouthed stares as if they are trying to catch flies..

The boys have moved into 9 month clothes and fit in size 3 diapers. Although the new food is something we can't avoid, it has created some unpleasant surprises in their diapers and on others and generated a lot more dirty laundry. After one such instance and before I was able to secure a new diaper on Connor, he peed on me while at the gym. Besides new clothes for Connor, I needed a new shirt and the person that found the mess too!

Jackson has figured out how to sit up with almost perfect posture, get down to a crawling position and back up to a seated position. His crawling actually resembles a crawl and there is actually a lot of speed. He is pulling himself up on anything and everything. He is quite a creative thinker and pushes toys around to get leverage to help him maneuver. The crib has been lowered to its lowest position and he has still been able to figure out how to stand up.

Connor has perfected sitting up and shows no interest in trying to crawl or do anything else. He has started to get very effective at standing and really is proud of himself. You can tell he likes to stand because he stiffens his legs up almost immediately if he thinks he has the option of standing and refuses to loosen them when we need him to sit down. Connor has developed a temper when he can't reach things and his hand eye coordination is improving.

Jackson has had some severe bouts of separation anxiety and some serious emotional outbursts that have everybody scratching their heads and wondering what happened to cause that much noise and actual tears that quickly especially when they stop once we figure out whatever it is that he wants. Along with these emotions is what we are going to call "curious" behavior and lots of no, Jackson BUT he is only 8 months and wants to "explore" his surroundings. I know that I am supposed to encourage this but he can be very frustrating with feeding and changing of clothes and diapers.

Probably most important to myself and Michael, both boys are really starting to notice one another. Lots of smiling exchanges and pulling of toys away from one another. Unfortunately, a lot of the contact is Jackson trying to use Connor as a catapult to get where he wants and/or stand up. Connor is not so happy about this and has started to vocalize his discontent. Michael actually spotted Jackson sharing Silly Monkey with Connor without being asked.

Looking forward to a "special" September...

Thursday, August 26, 2010


At the moment, Jackson is o.k. with his new positioning in the crib and has found ways to still peek out and see what he is missing.

Staring through the slats offers a semi-decent view!!

This is what I got when I asked him to sit down and capture how low he is in the crib after picking up. Note to everyone: never ask him go back in after his "sentence" is over.

double snap-n-go has been RETIRED

The double snap-n-go was sooo helpful but as the boys got bigger, so did the weight of the stroller, and it started to become too cumbersome. There were times that I could barely push it and the lack of sun shade was concerning at times. We are going to let our friend who is pregnant with twins borrow it so those wheels are going to have to get ready to stroll around the Kirby twins when they make their debut!!!

We opted for the Baby Jogger Citi Mini Double. Once I set it up, I took the boys out for a walk and Jackson started sucking on his toes, which I had never seen before. Regardless of the toe sucking, it was so much easier to negotiate than the snap-n-go. We could get over curbs and the ride was much smoother and there is a recline option. So looking forward to getting around with our new stroller.

splashing around in the pool

It was finally a semi-decent day as in no heat advisories so I filled up the boys pool and let them take a swim. It had been awhile for us since sooo many days in July were almost 100 and it has been so humid lately. During this day, Jackson figured out how to splash around in the pool. Connor was not so happy about all of the splashing that his big brother was doing and his lip started quivering so his pool time was short. Since I was by myself, no pics in the water but I can report that both boys were sitting up on their own and Jackson was holding on to the edge and moving his legs around while laying on his belly. A cute pic of Connor in his hibiscus flowers..

our sweet Connor

Anybody that has met the twins or heard anything about them, know that Jackson is our energetic and active boy while Connor takes a more laid-back approach to life. If you want to play, Jackson is your guy and if you want to relax and cuddle -- Connor is your go to. He really is our sweet little boy!!

playing with the blind cords

When the boys were maybe a month or two old, we noticed that they were fascinated by their white blinds during their diaper changes. It made it a lot easier for them to have something to stare at. Over the past couple of months, it has become increasingly more difficult to keep them (well Jackson more than Connor) calm enough to change their diaper. I allowed them to eat the blinds because the diaper had to be changed and it made them happy. Recently, we have started to ask the boys to hold the blind cords and it has been a success. The only problem is when you have to get their clothes on but as long as we give the cord back immediately, it generally isn't an issue. Oh and holding has turned into eating the ends but whatever works, right?!?

baby boys and their stripes

Jackson's crib needs to be lowered again

Out of concern for Jackson's climbing up the side of the couch, I had Michael, with the help of Uncle Tony, lower the crib. We all thought that we had some time but within days, he figured out how to climb up the side of the crib. When I left the room one afternoon, I returned to find this....

He is so proud of himself and was definitely plotting to figure out his great escape. Jackson positioned himself at the edge of the crib staring out the door. Within a couple of days of "oh no, he is going to get out," the decision was made to lower the crib again.

watching their puppet pals on Baby Mozart

I took these shots as the boys were sitting and watching their Baby Mozart DVD one night. These smiles are from hitting play all repeatedly with the puppet shows. At one point, Connor was laughing, which is very rare, and tapped Jackson on the shoulder as if to say "are you watching this??" So cute!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

After ALL of that drooling, Jackson finally has a tooth

Well, we found it yesterday and were totally surprised that Connor wasn't the 1st one to have a tooth. Michael really thought that this was going to be Connor's thing to do before his older brother. I was giving Jackson pancakes and felt it and after a lot of digging, I could see it. No photos can be shared b/c he isn't going to open his mouth for a picture and it really hasn't popped out all the way.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

it's not double loser, rather Itsy Bitsy Spider (we think)

Connor has been making these movements with his fingers for awhile. We are hopeful that it is his imitation of Itsy Bitsy Spider that we have been singing to him. If not, he is giving the Double Loser sign to everyone :)

laid Back with his mind on his formula and his formula on his mind

Whenever you spot Connor with his arms in this position, you know he is ready to sleep. It is generally during bottle time but continues when he reaches the crib. Michael and I have both seen Connor use his hands to cup his ears when Jackson is crying and stare over at his big brother with a frown on his face.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Big Boys in the Highchair"

We had finally met our limit (as did our backs) with sitting on the floor and trying to feed the boys and have to clean up the mess that would inevitably follow feeding 2 babies that want to move around and not be confined to a bouncy chair.

 And, we had the highchairs available for use so it was time.

Singing "Big Boys in the Highchair" to both of the boys has worked wonders in terms of making it not seem as confining of an experience.  It also helps that they are in the kitchen, which they rarely spend any time in so there is a lot of new things to look at.

Connor loves himself some food. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thank you Baby Mozart and your bonus materials

We started the boys with their first Baby Einstein DVD a month ago, which was Baby Mozart. Within the DVD, there are a series of interactions with puppets and specifically in the Bonus Materials, there is a puppet show entitled "Puppet Dance." Words can not accurately express nor can a camera catch up with the pure joy for Connor as the Lion and Tiger come across the stage. Nobody that has seen understands what makes him soo happy but it is truly magical to watch. We repeatedly rewind it just to see his smile. I completely agree (as the sticker on the DVD states) that it is something a mom can not do without. Connor and Jackson are generally moving in different directions but this DVD has captivated them and give me a break for almost 30 minutes as they stare open-mouthed in amazement.

we can't contain Jackson

Besides crawling, Jackson's more recent obsession has been wanting to stand up ALL THE TIME. I don't generally use caps and this wasn't a typo. Jackson is able to pull himself up (on his own) with the help of any willing person's hands. It is all he wants to do. Things have gotten so bad that he is grabbing at any part of my body to get himself up and/or crying if placed in the Jumperoo (as if it is a punishment). Our free-spirited little boy will be walking sooner than later and we are sooo not ready for that.

this picture was taken after Jackson had just fallen from climbing the front of the couch(notice the drool spot)

Don't let that sweet face fool you. Jackson consistently has a mischievous look on his face and today, he reached for and successfully got to the top of the crib, which was just lowered last week. I am so happy that we lowered it because he would have been on the floor, which you may think might have discouraged him but I'm doubtful.

Connor stands and sits (well sort of)

Connor is generally a couple of weeks behind Jackson on most things but in terms of standing, it feels like it has been since birth. Connor has started to use his legs more (thank you Jumperoo) and started to stand last month. He goes for considerable lengths of time and has started to sit up. We have noticed that he tends to slump forward and fall backwards but it is a work in progress. The saddest cries result from falls backward as if he has been dealt the biggest blow of his young life. Hopefully, he will understand that falling is a part of sitting and standing.

I just don't know if I can do this any longer...

I'm done.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Connor is sitting (well kind of)

Connor is generally a couple of weeks behind Jackson on most items relating to mobility.  He has finally started to sit up for longer and longer stretches. 

We have noticed that he tends to slump forward and fall backwards but it is a work in progress.  He puts on some happy smiles out of proud and excitement for a different view than the ceiling.

The saddest cries result from falls backward as if he has been dealt the biggest blow of his young life. Hopefully, he will understand that falling is a part of sitting.

The best is when Jackson comes crawling over (separate update) to check in on him and make sure that he is o.k.