Monday, February 27, 2012

Operation Penguin Swap

Connor's penguin obsession has been well documented on this blog. A couple of days ago, I noticed some small hard plastic balls in Connor's crib. They were hard and didn't have the same consistency as the residue that you may notice in an incredibly wet diaper. Then, I realized that there was a tear in peng's right arm wing. Continuing to keep peng in the crib was probably a hazard so I called in a favor. The problem is that Connor needs him to go down for his nap and at night. So, timing was crucial. Benjamin agreed that it was o.k. and Lisa dropped him off and took the torn winged penguin to her mother to mend.

When it was time for bed, Connor stared at the "new" penguin with a curious face. Connor expressed slight concern once he found the tag as his original was shredded. Michael and I were very quick to respond that peng got a bath and was clean. Connor beamed and repeatedly rubbed his belly and told us that peng was clean.


When it was time for bed, Connor stared at the "new" penguin with a curious face. Connor expressed slight concern once he found the tag as his original was slightly shredded. Michael and I were very quick to respond that peng got a bath and was clean. Connor beamed and repeatedly rubbed his belly and told us that peng was clean. So thankful that we had the option and that Benjamin thought it was o.k. to give up his penguin.

Jackson swinging on his own

Thursday, February 23, 2012

All the Disney plush pooped?!?

Both boys have had a serious battle with a stomach bug this month. It started as some runny noses that made it seem as though it was teething. We took dairy away and we gave it back along with probiotics and have changed TOO many poop diapers. On certain days, there were at least 4 for each of the boys. We worked on them to tell us when they pooped as there was a lot of diaper rash.

One night after another poop change, Jackson grabbed a wipe from the dispenser and told me that his plush had pooped. He grabbed Daisy and Minnie and starting wiping them with a wipe. He melts my hear with how sweet he can be. This obviously led to way too many wipes getting pulled out but it's all good when he is taking care of his friends.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Spending time with their Toy Story friends

The boys and I and Aunt Gina ventured out to Columbia Mall and we wandered our way into the Disney Store and decided to pick up Bullseye and Woody to round out our Toy Story family. We already had Rex, Buzz and Hamm and despite my concerns about getting more plush, I realized that this was not an avoidable purchase. 

The boys were super excited when they spotted them in the store and getting them into the house and in the mix did not disappoint. 

Bullseye was obviously thirsty and Jackson was kind enough to share a drink with him.

Both boys do a lot of "Giddy Ups" and getting their dance on with Woody and Bullseye.

Looking for lots and lots of fun with their new friends. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sexy Baby

I have been telling Connor that he was a sexy baby with his shirt off or when I took his pants off for diaper changes and getting ready for ravioli night and bath time.
And, when I ask him now who he is in any of those clothes bearing scenarios, he immediately responds "sexy baby." Connor was always the baby with the pot belly pushing his shirts out and those yummy thick thighs but with the more mobile he has gotten (and this is still Connor that I'm writing about so take that as you will), there has been a lot of trimming down but he still is our sexy baby and he can now tell you he is.

Who can resist tube socks, curls and a toddler holding a penguin?? Watch out little ladies, sexy baby is in the house...

And, he is a ladies man. He gives hugs and kisses, is a fantastic cuddle partner and all of the little girls generally work their way over to him in a group setting.

Just saying...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Black is the new navy, right?!?

The boys have developed a slight healthy obsession with watching their colors DVD and it has definitely worked with teaching them their colors. Good news to report is that Jackson has finally stopped turning off the DVD when they do the color black. He initially didn't realize that the DVD was still playing but he know knows that black is a color and that it is still on.

Both boys can now point out any color except for correctly identifying navy. It has helped to slightly improve their willingness to shop especially when looking in stores that are super colorful and the new trend of colored denim.

Whenever and I mean whenever I ask them what color navy is, their immediate response is black. I guess it is just one of those things that is hard to decipher.

Mama -- "Connor, what color is your shirt??"
Connor -- After checking out his shirt - "Black"
Mama - "Connor, that is blue"
Connor -- "No mama, it is black"
Mama -- "o.k. Con."

Friday, February 3, 2012

It's a beautiful day

and, we are out to enjoy the weather and sun. We really didn't have much of a winter and the warmer temps were definitely welcomed in early February.

The boys got their play-up double side climber last summer and the boys never really expressed as much interest in it as we would have hoped due to the sweat that went into putting it together (think almost triple digit temps during the hottest part of the day). There was lots of whining when we were outside and repeated attempt after attempt to go up the stairs, which was my clue that they really weren't all that interested in being outside.

Connor is always following Jackson's lead...

But, the slides and the balls gave them several reasons to want to stay out and I'm hoping that they will continue to want to be outside especially if the weather stays nice. Connor is walking much steadier (he is still clumsy but isn't falling as much) and Jackson is just Jackson and all over the place at all times. Neither boys appreciated when their hands got dirty and Connor actually teared up about it but that is just part of being outside.

you can't just go down the slide -- you have to climb up too, right?!?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just say NO to sharing the crib

Our glider is positioned next to Connor's crib, which is the one that the boys initially shared until they were around 5 months old. So, Connor can see the books better than Jackson. To help with this, we started to let Jackson in to Connor's crib. This sounded like a good solution EXCEPT for Connor's slight OCD tendencies and Jackson jumping around and getting too close to his lovies.

Connor guarding peng and the elephants...

Shenanigans on the right hand side after Jackson secured an elephant...

And, on the left which resulted in Connor starting to do the hard PAT, PAT, PAT on Jackson, which would ultimately result in some hair pulling (yes, he fights dirty!!)....

All smiles again as Jackson was removed from the crib...