Sunday, November 30, 2014

PIcking a tree at Jarretsville Nurseries

Knowing that we were going to be at Disney World in the middle of December, we planned to get our Christmas tree as soon as possible.  We wanted to maximize our time with the tree and didn't want to rush around once we returned from Disney.  Thanksgiving weekend despite Michael's minimal opposition, which is big since Thanksgiving is such a big holiday for him, was targeted.

We had read that Jarretsville Nurseries was a great place to go and family friendly. There was a bit of a discussion on the distance but no actual details.  The boys napped and we dressed quickly to venture out to get our tree.  We drove, drove and drove some more.  The entire time that we were driving had us concerned about the winding roads on the way back with a tree secured to the roof.  After passing the road and seeing the sun set (read: not good for finding a tree in the D-A-R-K), we turned the car around and found the road. 

After exiting the car, we saw a minimal amount of fresh cut trees.  It was TOO dark to take the tractor out to search for one and after the LONG drive, we picked the best one that we could find.

We liked this tree a lot but it was just too big. 

We knew that coming home without a tree was not an option. Jackson was in tears earlier in the day at the thought of taking a nap because he was certain we wouldn't end up not getting a tree.  Little did we know that we should have skipped naps based upon the distance that we had to drive.

The perfect tree turned out to be one with the Frasier Fir sign helping people identify the trees available. 

The boys kept an eye on our helper and were very concerned about the entire tree baling experience. Connor, specifically, was worried that the tree was going to get hurt or that we were going to loose it in the baling machine.  We assured him that everything would be alright. 

After the tree was baled, our helpers got some directions from 2 almost 5 year olds to finding our car in the parking lot.  Jackson helped grab the rope and after some parental exchanging of words (typical, right), the boys relaxed and were able to watch the Polar Express as their mom and dad channeled their inner scout training with ropes.

We made it home with some slow driving on the winding roads and numerous people being inches from our bumper and secured the tree in the tree stand.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Gabrielle Jean

It was FINALLY time to celebrate Gabby's 1st Birthday.

All of the little people were gathered in MJs room.  There was some playing, reading of books and hugging with cousins.

It was time to open up gifts.  We hope that she loves the Happy Sounds Home and safari truck with giraffe.  

At the end of the night, it was cake time. And, Gabby was definitely ready.  The best one was when she just starts to eat the cake with no hands. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Baltimore County Tree Lighting

Knowing that we were leaving for Disney in mid-December, we  were looking to maximize our Christmas events prior to departure.  One of the events that showed up as kid-friendly was the lighting of the Baltimore County tree.  The tree lighting also promised Clydesdales, which I knew was going to be very popular with both boys.

We arrived and scoped out a spot for the singers that also happened to be in front of the tree.

Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived via firetruck, which was very exciting.

Frosty and the Grinch were part of the tree lighting party. 

Without question, the Clydesdales were the most amazing thing to see that night.

The boys worked themselves up to front row viewing despite Michael's concerns of them stepping on some horse poop.

Jackson was fixated on the horses and didn't want to talk away. 

Connor worked himself to one of the golf vehicles that were transporting the people working the event. He didn't make it that far...

Reindeer meeting Moose.  Jackson was requesting a picture so we obliged. 

While Jackson wandered around, Connor stood in line to deliver his lists to Santa and Mrs. Claus.  He asked for Legos and games.  

We found Jackson in front of a television watching the Grinch. Connor grabbed a front row spot next to his brother.  The only way that we were able to pry them away (other than the cookies and hot chocolate for Connor) was to promise that we would watch the Grinch on the way home.

The official tree that was lit. 

We walked out at the right time to catch the Clydesdales getting ready to walk out much to the delight our our little people. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Celebrating MJ at 2

We were super excited to celebrate MJ's birthday we her.  The boys had a lot of fun helping pick out the gifts and were more than ready for party day to arrive as the gifts came with the caveat of being able to help her play with the princess castle.

MJ started the present opening and Jackson couldn't help himself with wanting to help her.  He was also telling her what she was opening.  We would have to say that keeping a surprise is not one of his attributes.

After the present was opened, the boys and MJ, well moreso the boys, were eager to the princess Castle set up.  In the end, MJ's Aunt Emily came through and set up the Castle to make the magic happen.  

Gabby woke up from her nap and before entering the party, spent a good bit of time snuggling with her teddy bear.

Connor was happy to set up camp in MJ's room and play with all of her princesses. In anticipation of our upcoming trip to Disney, he was definitely wanting to display his Disney knowledge. 

While Connor was busy with the princesses, I was able to play Minnie Mouse dress ups.  I was repeatedly asked to change the bow and the shoes and was incredibly happy to oblige her.  I definitely could have played for hours. We left Minnie for dinner and something sweet.

As we left,  MJ was enjoying a cupcake to finish her birthday celebration.  We were all so happy to be part of the celebration.  Happy 2nd Birthday MJ.