Tuesday, January 27, 2015


There was some snow on the ground but not too much to keep us in the house.  After spending some time at the Science Center, we picked up daddy for lunch at the Greene Turtle. They were going through some renovations and on this particular day, the skeeball game was calling Jackson and Connor's name. 

So, they had their first experience.  There weren't a lot of points scored AND a couple of the balls had to be retrieved from behind the game on more than one occasion, but their excitement was priceless.  They even allowed their parents one ball that we may or may not have had to pry out of their hands....  Still a lot of fun.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Towson Presbyterian : Field Trip to the National Aquarium

After missing out on a chance to chaperone the boys on a trip to the Pumpkin Patch that was canceled due to rain, I was incredibly excited to get the opportunity to go the National Aquarium. 

Prior to leaving, Ms. Burton handed out name tags for everyone that had coordinating sea life.  She also provided the kids with a list of dos and dont's relative to going on a field trip to a place as large as the National Aquarium.  

After going to the bathroom, the kids lined up to get on the bus.

I was lucky enough to have Jackson next to me on the bus.  He was giving anybody that would listen his scenic tour of our route and places that he knew.  It seemed as though he was definitely impressing his teachers.

Ryan and Connor enjoyed getting a chance to sit next to one another.

Group Shot with EVERYBODY looking and smiling.

We immediately found a noisy macaw and moved on to the lemon shark, sea turtle and stingrays.

The kids were eager to get a close up of the sea turtles and check out all of the technology boards to learn more information about the animals.

We moved up to the next level to check in on the fish.

We spotted the starfish and sea urchin.

One of our favorites besides the different colors of the eels was this polka dot ray fish and incredibly large fish in the displays.

A very large crocodile was spotted.

After a brief but incredibly humid trip to the rainforest where we looked very hard for the tamarind and did eventually find them despite their best work at camouflage, we headed down the escalator and found the divers.  This was by far the kids most favorite part.  They were checking out the sharks and keeping an eye on the workers.

We boarded the bus and it started to snow on the ride back to school. Lots of kids started to fall asleep on the warm bus after the excitement of a very fun trip to the Aquarium. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Fun in the Forge in the Snow

There was snow on the ground and the boys were finally able to get some use out of their snow bibs.  Finally!!  The task of getting them dressed didn't take as long as we had expected.  They were so excited and our fingers were crossed that we didn't loose their gloves in the powder.  It wasn't a large amount of snow so we wanted to take advantage before it started melting.

Connor has talked so much about making a snow angel.  And finally, he had his chance.  

While we were out, Riddick showed off his snow skills. 

We decided to see if Mary Elizabeth was out.  Just watching the boys walk in the snow was exciting.  They had such a great time monitoring their path in the snow.  We lucked out as she and her mom were both out.

There was some snowball throwing and sliding down the hill. 

There was a lot of fun and smiles to go around. It's amazing to see how much excitement that can be had with such a small amount of snow but we'll take it. 

This trio has had so much fun in a short 5 years.  Can't wait to see how many more adventures that they will get into.