Friday, February 27, 2015

Towson Presbyterian: Movie Night

With being on the Parent Advisory Board, I volunteered to pick up the pizzas at Little Caesars, which was definitely a hefty task with 2 incredibly excited 5 year olds that wanted to be big helpers. We were picking up 14 pizzas and Jackson walked in like he owned the place (his typical) and wanted to be intimately involved in carrying said pizzas. Luckily, there was a very helpful employee who helped secure the pizzas.

After going home for a quick change for the boys to get into their pajamas, we arrived at the school with all of the pizzas and the boys checked out who was there.  They also wanted to show everyone that we had brought the food. 

After seeing the people, Jackson started his lookout for other friends and his dad.

Connor indulged in some pizza and Jackson had some pirate booty. 

Jackson eventually maneuvered himself to Grace's table so that he could keep an eye on everyone, including her brother.  And, we were lucky enough to get some pizza into him while watching a bit of Planes.

The quality is horrible but we wanted to share how attached that Connor was to Senuri's mom. He is very cuddly and does a lot of leaning on whomever he is close too.  And, he was ALL OVER her.  Luckily, she didn't seem to mind. 

After the movie was over, Connor, Senuri and Raleigh posed for some pictures.

Jackson worked on securing his gals, Raleigh and Grace. They didn't seem to mind it!!

Jackson ended the night will ALL of his gals.  He is such a ladies man. Connor may or may not have been a little jealous of how Jackson was able to get hugs from Grace.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sleigh Riding

There was snow/ice on the ground and school was closed so I gave in and took the boys out for their first ever attempt at sleigh riding.  We weren't sure if the snow would make it to the weekend so it was a "now or never" event. 

We arrived and the boys wasted no time getting into the groove of moving their sled back and forth and traveling down the hill.  There were a few requests for a push but definitely did the bulk of the work to get themselves down.  In some ways, waiting until they were older probably helped with regard to the ability to figure out the need to move back and forth to get down. 

They made it all the way down to their future playground for recess once they start Rodgers Forge Elementary School.

With my ankle in recovery mode, the boys had to bring their sleds back up to the top of the hill.  They learned quickly to avoid the ice but at times, it was not easily avoided.  Sometimes, a 5 year old doesn't have the best listening skills and the wipeouts were quite comical.

We left once they had had enough of the carrying the sled back up the hill.  We had a great time and captured some video of their first REAL time in the snow. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Towson Presbyterian : ZooMobile

On our way in to school, we were directly behind the ZooMobile.  The boys were incredibly excited and we discussed the possibilities of animals that could be in the van.  We ruled out giraffe as there didn't seem to be enough room.

I was lucky enough to catch up with the boys on their viewing of the ZooMobile. It was perfect timing after the Parent Advisory Board.  When I arrived in the room, both boys and their classmates were sitting and incredibly excited.

The first animal that they presented was an owl. 

There was a lot of excitement and wishful thinking on everyone's parts, kids and adults alike, and they did not disappoint. 

I can't even get over the cuteness of this little penguin.  Apparently, the ZooMobile usually brings Winne (the poster penguin for the zoo) but this little lady was totally showing off. The zoo staff confirmed that she would be making more visits to the school as she handled it so well.

Next up was a chinchilla.

All of the children were invited up to pet the chinchilla. There were some that declined but the line was long. 

For some reason, Jackson was contemplating not going up to pet him but I'm glad he changed his mind.

After they were given the opportunity to pet the chinchilla, the kids went back to their class to finish up the morning. I can't imagine that very much was accomplished after all of the excitement that the ZooMobile brought to the school. 

We are so happy that we made the decision to switch the boys to Towson Presbyterian as they have just grown and the amount of fun that they are exposed to is amazing.  We are ready for the next adventure.   And, we are definitely ready to get back to the Zoo. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate.