Monday, September 21, 2015

Tie Die Shirts on Display

Now that we had tie dye shirts, it was time to put the tees on display for school. Before school, the boys were kind enough to pose for a picture. 

Backpacks and tie dyes -- a great combination.

Ms. Linda is always a welcome face in the morning.  The boys were able to let her know how they made their own shirts. 

Our group of tie dye participants and Sullivan too. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Our Peace Makers and friends making TieDye shirts

The kindergarten girls and boys divided up to get their tie dye shirts ready for Peace Week.  We encouraged Jackson to bring the cake that he one at the Cake Walk to share with all of his Brandon Road friends.  He was more than happy to oblige. 

Upon arriving, we let the boys and Andrea figure out which design that they wanted to make.  Soon after, the parents got to work with the rubber bands to secure the design  

As the parents secured the shirts with rubber bands, the kids played.  Sully delayed her nap to join in on the fun.  And, it was decided that Eamon's dad was going to possibly open an Etsy shop with his mad rubber band skills.  

Jackson enjoyed the playing on Brandon Road more than the actual tie dye party but whatever makes him happy.  He was super excited to share his cake.  We finally confirmed his reason for the pick and it was because of the red cake and icing being Rodgers Forge Elementary school colors.  

After the kids did the actual dying, we moved on to a TieDye Pom Pom craft.  All of the kids, including the younger ones were interested.  

Friday, September 18, 2015

Ice Cream Social and Cakewalk

Despite the Ice Cream Social being on a Friday night, we were all excited to join the fun with all of the other families from RFES.  We joined up with Mary Elizabeth and we walked over together.   The first thing that we ran into was the ice cream.  Ice cream before dinner is not our usual routine but it was all good.

Connor ate almost his entire ice cream before it melted.  And, Jackson actually did eat some of the ice cream, which is usually not his thing.  It lasted as long for both boys until they spotted all of their friends and they started having fun on the playground.

A little later, Michael arrived and made our way to the line to enter the cakewalk and found Ms. Thomas collecting tickets. Jackson was super excited to see his teacher and Connor was searching for Ms. Scotto.

The process was to walk in and find a spot to start at, you walk around during the music and stop when the music ends.  Someone pulls a number and if you are on that number, you win.  Jackson has the best of luck and he was on the right number.  Connor was one away (so close).  

He was super proud of himself (as he should be since his circle was full of people) and selected the following cake.  We tried to sway him towards the brownies or something else but he was certain that this was the one. 

After we finished our pizza and snacks, the boys joined up for some more fun on the playground with their friends.  We stayed until the sun went down. It was a lot of fun. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Honeygo Park with Gabby

The boys had a day off of school and the weather cooperated for us to reunite with Aunt Gina and  Gabby at  Honeygo Park.  The boys had only been once before and they were too  young to even remember, which worked so well.  It was clear that Gabby missed us as much as we missed her as she came running to our car once Aunt Gina got her out of her carseat. 

Connor and Gabby resumed their love fest as if they had just seen each other yesterday.  She has definitely missed both of the boys since the boys started Kindergarten.  So, it was great that we were able to connect on one of their days off.

We waited patiently for our turn on the swings.  Gabby was able to get on the swing first and Connor pushed her while he waited for his own swing. So sweet. 

After Connor and Gabby had their own hug fest, Jackson was able to get in on the action and was able to hold Gabby's hands as we crossed to another climbing and slide structure. 

It was such a fun day at the Park.