Monday, February 22, 2016

A lost 2nd Tooth

When we were in the dentist's office a couple of months ago, the dentist confirmed that Jackson had only 1 loose tooth.  Jackson was unable to leave the adjacent tooth alone. We were begging him to leave it alone.  

At no point did we ever think that his inability to leave it alone would result in him actually loosing another tooth.  Apparently, he knew what he was up too.  And, this time, we actually have a tooth to give to the Tooth Fairy. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Star Wars Valentine's Celebration

The boys had been chatting about Star Wars and the Super heroes a lot and most of the conversation has been focused on Star Wars. They had questions that we didn't really have answers for.  They've both been reading some books that they were given and definitely know more about it than their mom and probably their dad. 

So, the boys woke up on Valentine's Day morning to some gifts from Cupid.  Cupid was kind enough to deliver some candy, some learn to draw books, Star Wars stickers and colorings books and most importantly the Star Wars Trilogy, which included A New Hope, Return of the Jedi and the Empire Stripes Back.  The boys couldn't handle themselves when they saw the DVDs.  We compromised and decided that we could watch the movie after we got back from swim lessons.  I guess we are entering a galaxy far far away.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Update to the Tooth Tree at RFES

Jackson was so excited about his lost tooth and his name being put on the tooth tree in Ms. Shapira's office as so many of his classmates already had.  Unfortunately, he was too shy to tell Ms. Thomas on the day he lost it (despite being so excited) and there was a substitute in on Friday.

So, we chatted this morning about what he needed to do and he made sure to get to the nurse.  She kindly gave him a lost tooth necklace and put his name up on the tree.  

As you can see, he was very happy to finally get the necklace. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Lost and Swallowed 1st Tooth

Jackson's dentist had alerted us in the fall that he had one loose tooth and on track to loose it in a couple of months. So, this morning, Jackson went about his business eating lunch and he walked upstairs to go to the bathroom and get ready for school.  

After going to the bathroom, he relayed, "I lost my tooth and I swallowed it."  We were all in shock that it happened and that he really couldn't find it.  Picture proof of the lost tooth. 

He went off to school and reported the missing tooth to the nurse and he went up on the Tooth Tree in her office and came home with an empty tooth case.  Since we didn't have a tooth to give to the Tooth Fairy, we decided on a note.  His note reads "I swallowed my tooth. XOXO Jackson Feb. 4th."  

We are so proud of him and his handwriting has gotten so much better since the start of school.

The tooth fairy delivered something forJackson and he was ALL smiles.