Sunday, September 27, 2020

Week 39 of 52 in 2020

Jackson:  Without having to check, it has been about 5 weeks and Jackson and I were off to Old Bank Barbers for his haircut. Connor and Michael have been needing a cut around the same time and have been going together.  Besides the 1:1 time with Jackson, the best part is that we get to pick up Papi's Tacos (our favorite pandemic carryout).

KP has added a StickSkillz session on Sunday mornings at the fields that are less than a 5 minute walk. It's a great way to get him out and get some exercise without impacting the rest of the day. His Skillz have gotten so much better since he started with them last fall. On this day and most Sundays, he's winning most of the challenges set forth by Coach Lee. His smile says it all.

Connor:  He wasn't feeling the best and wanted to be super close (no more than a centimeter apart) and when it's a rough day, you just need to have your penguin handy. They go back a long way.

Jackson and Connor: The boys have a reduced schedule on Wednesday and Connor woke up with a slightly sore throat.  He went out and played with friends since we just assumed it was a cold due to the weather changing.  Upon his return, I checked him and he was running a low grade fever and his nose started running.  We decided that he wasn't going to go back out and play in case he was  possibly contagious.  For dinner, Jackson ate 3 pieces of pizza in record time and promptly vomited a couple hours later.  We contacted the boys' pediatrician and it was enough to warrant a rapid Coronavirus test.

The scene at Hopkins was space age with all the hazmat gear. Thankfully, they handled the tests well and it was time to wait.  While we were waiting, there were emails and calls to all of their coaches and texts to the recess parents.  Soccer practice was canceled out of an abundance of caution and a lacrosse practice was missed while we waited for the results.   The results came back late Friday and they were both negative as we expected but it was nerve wracking waiting for the results.  We are really hoping that EVERYBODY we know will be as proactive as we were to contact our doctor as we expect that this will be the situation for awhile.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Week 38 of 52 in 2020

Connor: Jackson had a lacrosse practice today so Connor and I decided to take a trip up to Hershey Park for some coaster fun. Connor's favorite part of the park is the coasters so it was a couple of hours FULL of coasters.  And, we snuck a pic in with his favorite character wearing her very pink high heels.

Jackson and Connor:  Over the summer, a couple of moms texted to see what we could do for recess for the boys since school was most likely going to be virtual the entire  year and they definitely were going to be missing out on the socialization.  On some days, their initial group of 5 turns into 8 and has been as many as 10. It's so nice to live in a community like this that everybody is close enough to catch up, even if it is only for 30 minutes. It's something!!!  

On their way to soccer practice. Plotting strategies for the next Celtic victory.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Week 37 of 52 in 2020

Jackson and Connor: It was a busy, busy week!!!! It all started with celebrating Labor Day at the pool. The pool was the most crowded it had been ALL summer. It may have been a super spreader event except for the fact that we were all separated by our own picnic tables.  It was incredibly sunny and despite slightly chilly temps, we all got in one last time.  Despite all the members, the pool was practically empty, just like it had been through the summer. 

After the fun of Labor Day, it was time for virtual 5th grade to start.  We were still waiting for the boys' desks so we had to compromise and figure out seating between the dining room and the desk area outside of Connor's room.

At lunch, the boys caught up with their recess group. I had a harder time getting my boys to smile than the others...

School ended and we were up early Saturday for Celtics first game. We NEVER expected there to be a soccer season and were happy that there was still room available in the TRC League.  The skills and drills that LTSC weren't going to be enough for the boys and we respected their decision to not open registration. We are looking forward to a fun soccer season and are so happy for Connor to get time on a field since he's spent so much time supporting Jackson this summer for lacrosse. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Week 36 of 52 in 2020

Jackson:  After returning from vacation, we decided on a Friday date to HersheyPark. Connor was supposed to join us but wasn't in a great mood so he ended up spending the day with Michael.  With it being all about Jackson and our last trip before the Boardwalk (his favorite part) closed, we spent the bulk of our day there.  After changing out of our suits, Jackson finally got to indulge in the donuts that he's been asking for all summer. They did not disappoint.

Jackson and Connor:  We had a couple more days left at the Peninsula and there was lots of fun, including a lot of mini golfing. The boys spent more time doing this than maybe enjoying the pools.  Michael did more rounds with them and commented on how they were both better than him.

While we were on vacation, the boys were able to get some 1:1 time with their teachers. Both of their teachers were surprised at their willingness to do the meet and greet while on vacation but they wouldn't have missed it. 

After returning home, there were knocks at the door and we ended up hosting some friends for a pizza lunch. This neighborhood is the absolute BEST for being a kid.  There's always someone knocking or they can go out and find someone in a couple of minutes.