Sunday, September 22, 2024

Week 38 of 52 in 2024

Family: At Michael’s constant urging, I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and put a post it on the top to make everyone accountable for their cookie consumption and ensure that the cookies lasted longer than 1 day.  I think they made it multiple days so a success.

Jackson and Connor: After much debate, the tickets were purchased for the boys to attend their first Homecoming at Towson High School.  They were invited over to the Kennedy’s house, who were not on their first rodeo, to pre party with pizzas and sodas and drop off to the dance.

At the Kennedy’s house with Nate, who was a little late because of football practice.

Thanks to some help from the girls, there’s proof that they were actually at the dance.  Jackson confirmed that he and Connor were mostly on the dance floor and not holding up the wall and that they worked on other friends that were most definitely holding it up. The boys also relayed how hot it was in general in the area where the dance was and that they were glad they had golf polos.

J Walk was somehow able to get into the dance and the boys of summer were reunited.

A HUGE thank you to the Kennedy’s for picking them up around 9 to avoid the chaos of leaving when the dance ended and setting them up with S’mores.  The Kenndy’s used the words an “absolute delight” when describing the boys and Hadley’s dad told them they were always welcome back. Such a fine night and experience for our freshmen.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

2024 Homecoming

Ever since the boys have started at Towson, they’ve wanted to be supportive of friends and have made it to most of the soccer and football games. 

It was a smaller group but they were there for their 1st Homecoming.  They mostly know the freshman and typically stay for just the JV game.  That game was way more competitive than Varsity which ended up a lot to a little.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Week 37 of 52 in 2024

Jackson: When Connor got his new bike, Michael had maintenance done on his and Jackson’s.  Apparently, he hasn’t gotten adjusted to his bike having working brakes.  On the way to school, he braked to be able to turn around and check on Connor and fell off his bike.  Thankfully, he had his helmet on but he got to meet the nurse who helped bandage him up.  Golf will have to wait for a couple of days because gripping a club is not happening.

Connor:  In anticipation of Connor’s fall league games for the Towson Generals, Michael took him out for batting practice and opted not to throw consistent strikes and was all over the place in an effort to make Connor understand that he can hit the pitchers. He’s never been one that plays with confidence so it’s great that he has Michael as a resource.  Despite playing what was supposed to be one of the best teams in the league (there was a debate over even attending the game), Towson hung in there scoring 5 runs, which is a BIG and Connor secured a walk.  Since the team is mostly freshmen and they are playing in the varsity division, it’s been a little rough.  We’ve encouraged him to keep showing up and making the most of his opportunity as there is no guarantee he will make the JV team.

Mom: In a very last minute decision, tickets were purchased and I was able to spend a couple of hours with Ed and the boys from Pearl Jam on Thursday night.  I got to hear Daughter, which ended with a positive message about politicians keeping hands of daughters and vote to make it okay and Black.  When I saw them in Philadelphia 8 years ago, the show ended and there was no Black so this was big for me.  Still have a couple more songs I’d like to hear but unfortunately the shows in Fenway were sold out. Ed has been wearing his Sweetness jersey to every show to commemorate the band being together for 34 years.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week 36 of 52 in 2024

Jackson:  We had a slight break from lacrosse but True is back this week and there was a high school interest meeting and talks about a captain’s practice. 

Connor: It was the 2nd week of fall league and Connor was able to play in the infield and had multiple at bats.  He struggled at the plate but confirmed he was nervous.  Work to do at home but it was nice to see him in the infield.  He just wants to play.

Family: It was WCS night at OPACY.  There were some available tickets and the boys brought Liam and Doug. It was nice to see Dean Kremer but unfortunately the bats were not very active and it was our 3rd consecutive loss. Not so sure how eager we are to go back.  Still hoping for the Orioles to turn it around.

The boys went shopping and asked someone to take this picture. Couldn’t be more proud.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Week 35 of 52 in 2024

Jackson and Connor: It was the 1st day of school on Monday for our freshmen at Towson High School. They know how to use their bike locks, have figured out how long it takes to ride their bikes and ended up meeting up with Doug and Nate. There may or may not have been some offers of vape to Jackson in the bathroom which were declined and some avoidance of the bathrooms by Connor.  All in all, it was a good day and it’s so great that they actually have classes together and lunch on both A and B days.

Connor: It was our first Sunday of fall league baseball and the 1st week of baseball practice on Thursday night.  It was a lot of freshmen and a couple of sophomores and maybe 1 senior. The Generals were very much overmatched and ended up losing 0-16.  We are hoping that some more upperclassmen join the team since the coach wasn’t able to get them in the JV league and they are in the Varsity division. Our number 3 did a lot of observing and did get to spend some time in right field.  He was happy to be there and do whatever the coach needed.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Week 34 of 52 in 2024

Jackson:  Tuesday was LPP orientation day at Towson High School.  We dropped off our LPP student to school for a fun couple of hours to meet other students accepted into the program and explore the school before Freshmen Orientation.  Since Jackson was getting pizza, Michael and I took Connor out to lunch at Roggenaerts.

Connor: With school starting, it was definitely time to get Connor a new bike. He had outgrown Jackson’s and we went to a bike shop in Belvedere today.  Connor seems to be happy with his new bike and the other bikes received some maintenance that was long overdue.  

Jackson and Connor: On Thursday, the boys had Freshman Orientation.  There was a presentation, tour, meeting of teachers and lunch.  The boys are hopeful that they won’t get lost on their 1st day.  The bike locks have been ordered.  Next up is figuring out the best route and timing since they have to be at school by 7:25, which is early.  There’s been discussion of waking up in the 6 o’clock hour.  

After voting for 5 consecutive days for the All Star Game, I was given an option for a discount and we picked Thursday, August 22nd, which happened to also be Back to School night.  It was an easy decision to catch up with the Orioles and Corbin Burnes.  It wasn’t the best game and the offense is really struggling.  But the Bird and his shenanigans are always good to watch.  It’s our 2nd loss in a row and we need to turn that streak around.