Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tummy Time for Jackson

Jackson looks more and more like my dad everyday. It is almost like having his mini-me around!!! He is definitely all Delvecchio.

Holding Hands

The boys (well Connor that is) have been starting to acknowledge one another. When we go in to the nursery in the morning, we often find Connor rubbing Jackson's leg or his crib wedge. It is very sweet.

kicking and not screaming

This is some insight on how fast Jackson can move. I had to use the sport feature on the camera to catch up. Jackson is on the go from the time that he wakes up until we lay him in his crib for bed. He wants to be moving or standing and it is such a struggle to get him to nap longer than 15 minutes. We are guessing because he doesn't want to miss something. We would like to bottle his energy and share some amongst Michael and I since we struggle to keep up with him. We have had to have a talk with Connor recently to remind him of how important his naps are. A non-napping Connor is not very happy.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I gotta feeling - first real laugh for Jackson

about 2 weeks ago, we heard Jackson's first out-loud laugh. It was hysterical. He thought that Michael and I singing the Black Eyed Peas' hit song "I Gotta Feeling" was sooo funny. He laughed out loud and couldn't get enough of himself. Have tried it again but no luck. We had him laughing to our imitations of Donald Duck recently but there is no consistency. Both Michael and I are trying to find out what makes Connor laugh as it will probably be unforgettable just like Jackson's first time. Hopefully, that blog post will be sooner than later.

who is this mouse in the house??

Jackson and Connor received the most amazing gift from Christine for their 4 month birthday -- The dancing and singing Mickey Mouse that does the Hot Dog dance. Mickey even makes jokes or so he thinks. An example - what do you call Pluto in the summer, answer - Hot Dog. He even knows to make the faux laugh noise after a stupid joke. It is totally silly but the boys are in love!!!

are you talking to me??

Monday, April 26, 2010

the real beer summitt a/k/a big business for little people

We decided to compromise on what we were going to do after our walk. Jackson was done with the stroller and Connor wanted to stay outside. I opted for double Bumbos and we get this...

for the record, neither of them said a thing to the other BUT we are working on this!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ahoy Matey!

looking absolutely adorable, as always, in some of the clothes from the Pirate Pup line at Gymboree.

Jackson and Connor : 4 months

Jackson and Connor are 4 months old. They had a recent visit with their doctor and received 4 shots each, which were again more difficult for Michael!!! Their updated stats are as follows:

Jackson - 13 lbs even, 24 inches

Connor - 13 lbs 6 1/2 ounces, 25 inches

We were so suprised that their weights were as close as they were since Jackson is more interested in playing than eating. Both Michael and I had thought that Connor would have been pounds heavier but he wasn't.

And, Dr. Sibila gave mommy and daddy even better news when we were told that the cereal and sold foods were delayed until at least until they reached 5 or 6 months. The boys are growing up so fast that they are already in 6 months clothes and getting ready to move on to size 2 diapers -- the real food can wait. Especially the mess :(

New gear : the Exersaurcer

We decided that it was time for the Exersaucer.  And, we have to be super proud of daddy since it didn't take him that long to figure out how to put it together.

Tthe boys do not really understand everything that it can do but we are sure that it won't be too long :)

These birds are probably going to provide Connor with much conversation as he is still talking to plush and Jackson more than us. His loudest conversation was with Jackson one morning in the crib and Jackson said nothing in response. Again, a work in progress.

Connor is eating the red bird's drum. He is always ready for bottle time and I guess that this was one of his hints!!

LOVING on Mickey Mouse

The boys have recently found Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on t.v. and I am almost certain that Michael and I are more excited than them. We are constantly singing the Sensational Six Polka Band's song and are working on the lyrics to Hot Dog!  Don't know if it is for the boys or for us. The boys might not get how funny that Donald can be but his parents definitely understand.

It is one of the very few things that actually maintains their attention. Their necks start adjusting when they hear the Mouse and there is nothing more magical than Mickey starting to walk towards the hill.

bonkers for baskets (at least they arrived)

I can't imagine a time when the boys will not be excited about their baskets. They will have this blog as proof of how we do crazy things for our children. I didn't realize how early you had to start this process, but waiting to the week before Easter was probably not a good idea. Had to order from 2 different stores and expedite shipping. The embroiderer gave me same day service since her perception that "I seemed to have my hands full" was accurate.

They will have them forever so it was totally worth it!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

he is heavy BUT he is still my brother

We have recently discovered how amazing that Sandra Boynton's book "The Barnyard Dance" is and both Michael and I have rendered some exciting versions.

Here are a few pics of the boys listening to their dad....

Hey brother, let me just lean on you for a second...

J - "Connor, do you have me??"
C - "Jackson can you please just sit up."

J - "o.k., I've figured it out and all is good."
C - "this is my favorite part."


C - "we are going down but I'm going to keep the same face I always do. mmkay!"

Sometimes, you just can't call on your brother but they gave it a great effort!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Swinging with Freddie the Firefly

The mobile on the swing stopped working and since batteries are so expensive, we decided to use some of the boys' Lamaze Play and Grow toys.  They've been noticing these toys more and more so it was another way to provide sensory fun.

It definitely worked.