Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jackson and Connor : 3 Months

Since we don't have a doctor's appointment to update weight and height, I figured it would be a good time to share some observations about the boys....

Jackson is very interested in what is going on. Michael and I are thinking that he is going to be an architect, engineer or interior designer. His eyes dart back and forth looking around to see where everything is positioned. We call him "livewire" since he is not really interested in napping. Almost certain that he thinks that he is missing something as he immediately wakes up. Jackson's eyes are so big and he LOVES to smile and play. He has started cooing and is so happy when he is relaying his thoughts/flirting. There is a lot going on in that head of his and we can't wait to figure it out.

Connor is starting to check things out more and more but is still very consumed with his naps and/or watching TV (he's not very picky as long as there are bright colors). He loves his music and the plush attached to his toys. He started smiling and cooing after Jackson BUT he is definitely making up for it. Most of the smiles are followed by shy little head tilts that could "solve the world's problems," according to his daddy. Connor is very relaxed and calm. We are almost certain that Connor's favorite part of the day is bottle time and or anything that gets him outside. He starts crying when you take the bottle out for a burp and is often upset at the end when there is no more to drink. WE reassure him that burps are not optional and that the bottle is finished.

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