Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jackson and Connor : 4 months

Jackson and Connor are 4 months old. They had a recent visit with their doctor and received 4 shots each, which were again more difficult for Michael!!! Their updated stats are as follows:

Jackson - 13 lbs even, 24 inches

Connor - 13 lbs 6 1/2 ounces, 25 inches

We were so suprised that their weights were as close as they were since Jackson is more interested in playing than eating. Both Michael and I had thought that Connor would have been pounds heavier but he wasn't.

And, Dr. Sibila gave mommy and daddy even better news when we were told that the cereal and sold foods were delayed until at least until they reached 5 or 6 months. The boys are growing up so fast that they are already in 6 months clothes and getting ready to move on to size 2 diapers -- the real food can wait. Especially the mess :(

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