Friday, November 26, 2010

Two very good reasons to give THANKS

On our first Thanksgiving as a family of four, we traveled almost 3 hours to Culpepper, VA to visit with Michael's mother and his brothers, Bill and Jim. The boys slept for a good portion but woke up when we stopped for gas. Once they were awake, they started a staring session with one another that lasted the remainder of the trip. It was so amazing to watch from the driver's seat that I kept on looking at my mirror and Michael asked me several times to pull over so he could drive. The boys generally do not acknowledge each other so this was an absolute treat.

Dinner was good and the boys slept well in their pack and play but we quickly learned the difficulties of staying somewhere that wasn't child-proofed. Everything in their reach/grasp needed to be moved and Connor had an unpleasant meet and greet with a table. We found him crying and his nose was bleeding :( We had a great time visiting with everyone but quickly realized how hard it is to contain our very active and inquisitive boys outside of their and our comfort areas.

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