Monday, February 28, 2011

14 months

The boys had a doctor's appointment that I had scheduled last week because they have had a cold. Their doctor confirmed that it was just a nasty cold and that we needed to bring the boys back if it lasted longer than 2 weeks. While we were there, we received updated weights. Jackson weighed in at a svelte 20 lbs 12 ounces and Connor was at 22 lbs 7 ounces. At our prior appointment, the doctor indicated that we would only need to come back at 15 months if we wanted to but that it wasn't necessary as there were no shots until 18 months. Since the appointment was on their 14 month birthday, we decided against the 15 month appointment.

We hope the boys feel better soon!! It is only the 2nd time that we have had to bring them to the doctor for a sick visit. The first time was when a viral exanthem surfaced on Connor after a cold and fever in November.

These pics were taken just prior to the visit....

I love those chubby legs and couldn't believe that he still fit into his Bumbo!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Need to buy some boy Band-Aids

Jackson and Connor have been really enjoying their puzzles that that they received as a gift from cousin Andrew and Miss Kim. We have managed to keep all of the pieces and have not had any incidents other than the occasional fighting over pieces and long searches for the pieces at the end of the night. On this day, Jackson was adamant about picking up and throwing down the wire holder and after I finally convinced him that no really means no -- he tripped and his cheek and the wire holder met resulting in some serious tears and blood. It was the 1st time that either of the boys have ever gotten a cut and actually needed a bandaid other than shots during their well visits. Of course, the only bandaid that I could find that was small enough had Princess Aurora. Luckily, he isn't old enough to realize that it's not very "manly" to wear a princess bandaid.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Forgot about whisky, let's use this rum on my oh so sore gums

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Connor does not really understand the word "no" and when given a chance to maneuver around in the dining room, he immediately goes for our wine cabinet and specifically, the Bacardi bottle. I have to continuously scream his name at him in an effort to redirect his attention so we are hoping that he starts to understand what no really means.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Playing in Tiny Town at White Marsh

My sister had a random Thursday off and we met up with her at the mall to check out Tiny Town before heading over to the Avenue since it was such a beautiful day. The boys got an extra treat when David met us at the Avenue.

This was the boys first time playing in the Tiny Town at a mall but it ended rather quickly when an older girl's father thought it was a good idea to a) purchase ice cream at 10 a.m. for a toddler and b) not clean it up when she dropped some of it. The boys were unable to stay away from the pink wetness so we wrapped it up quickly but they had fun and we realized how inconsiderate that people can be....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Storyville Fun

With the help of Christine, the boys and I were able to go to Baby Boosters at the Rosedale Library and spend some time in Storyville on Valentine's Day. It was their 3rd trip and they are trying more and more things on their own. Jackson was running all over the place so we would take turns keeping up with him after we decided to venture outside of the gated Butterfly Garden. He did stop to check out certain things that interested him but only for small bits of time. Connor amazed me by going all the way through the log in the Toddler Bay that they wouldn't even consider trying before. Jackson went through the log after watching the big kids. We will definitely be back for more visits.

Rocking out to Matchbox 20

and, Cee Lo Green's "Forget You" and Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are" and pretty much any other live music Jackson hears. There is a broadcast of Matchbox 20 on Palladia and to say that Jackson is infatuated would be an understatement. He bops his head to the guitar riffs and bounces up and down to the music. It is awesome to watch and we are privileged to be able to watch his enthusiasm. Connor has given in to the video watching and lights up when he hears a familiar song. Jackson's most favorite part is Bright Lights leading into a rendition of the Beatle's She Came Through the Bathroom Window. If you know anything about Jackson, a/k/a "Action" Jackson, it is absolutely amazing how live music or these select videos stop him and steer him in direction of the t.v.

At the urge of people who heard about it, I recorded him listening to his favorite parts..

A future heartbreaker and our sweetie celebrate Valentine's day

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Big Banking for little people

The boys received a lot of gifts and gift cards and very minimal cash or checks at the showers and when people came over to visit. Everyone was so generous that we very rarely had to buy things for the boys this past year other than the essentials. We had very little "cash" to start an account for them, that is until their 1st birthday party. We brought the boys to Susquehanna and as anybody could expect, Jackson was walking around as if he was the branch manager, who was very kind and helpful that day. Connor stuck to his laid-back approach to life by having some juice. So, it's official, the boys have accounts and their Social Security Numbers were put to good use.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Trying to get things down Connor style

When Connor is trying to reach something that he wants (not necessarily needs or is on the approved list by me), he has an intuitive approach. As an fyi, the items he is trying to reach are on the couch. On this day, he wanted this book. Generally books are fine but this one is not "toddler" friendly (has pages that rip and tear).

So, his first step is to reach out and grab the pillow and throw it to the ground. When that doesn't work and after some whiny and grunty noises, he starts banging on the couch in what I can only assume is his master plan that it will just roll to him. To date, the banging hasn't worked for him but it is so nice to see his desire to reach things. This often leads to tears and I try to reassure him why he can't have the book that can tear or generally the electronics but it doesn't stop him from repeating his plan.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Letting us know that nap time is OVER

The boys have been in between taking 1 and 2 naps per day and if they do not get down before 11 a.m., they have decided that they won't take a nap in the morning. This kind of creates a problem when you have 2 tired boys that are not interested in eating. And, it isn't easy when Jackson will nap for hours on end and Connor is stuck on the 2 hour plan even though he needs more time.

The boys have started throwing their "beloved" plush out of the crib to let us know that the nap is over.

It is slightly problematic for Connor when Jackson "eggs" on the throwing of things over the crib and he wants his penguin back. This pic shows off how happy that Connor is when he realizes that someone is going to pick up his cast away. I have never heard such horrible cries out of Connor UNTIL, that is, he can't reach his penguin that he threw out of the crib :( Jackson has started to hold off throwing his frog blanket because he knows that there is a possibility he might not get it back.

Mission: Free the Frog

The object of Jackson's affection and teething pal:

We have discovered in the past couple of months just how attached that Jackson is to his frog and that he uses him as a teether. For a considerable period of time in the fall, the boys were obsessed with turkey meatballs and Michael would always complain that the house and the boys ALWAYS smelled like them.

Also, we finally realized that Jackson was using his frog blanket as a teether and that was why his frog smelled so bad. So, I can only assume that the odor we were smelling was the meatball that was on his frog. Yuck!!

The boys are not allowed to take their lovies (frog and penguin) out of the house and we prefer not to let them take them out of their bedroom but sometimes, this is not an option. Jackson has made it clear that he can not just let his frog sit in the crib while he was waiting for either his or Connor's diaper or clothes changes.

Some insight into the love that a boy has for his frog:

He will cry if he can't reach him and gets so excited when he finally gets his hand on him. Jackson gets this tense shaking head and face with the cute lips which is his "i'm excited" face. Anybody that sees it for the first time laughs because it kind of looks like he is having a seizure. He obviously isn't but it is super funny to see and we know how happy that he is.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Milk in a cup for breakfast

The boys have had 2 successful weeks of milk in a cup for their bottle prior to dinner so I decided it was time to start for breakfast. Once we hit the 2 week mark, we will be looking to remove the nighttime bottle. The only problem that we are running into is finding a cup that holds more than 5 oz. Jackson and Connor generally take 8 ounces in the morning and evening. We squeezed 6 oz into the cup and need to find something larger for the nighttime..

Friday, February 4, 2011

Connor's sweet kisses

Connor has been giving his version of kisses as of late. If you ask for a kiss or give him smooch noises, he will lean his head over and move towards mine or Michael's awaiting lips. He has started to do open mouths, which we are not encouraging :) But, it is the sweetest just like our Connor!!