Monday, February 28, 2011

14 months

The boys had a doctor's appointment that I had scheduled last week because they have had a cold. Their doctor confirmed that it was just a nasty cold and that we needed to bring the boys back if it lasted longer than 2 weeks. While we were there, we received updated weights. Jackson weighed in at a svelte 20 lbs 12 ounces and Connor was at 22 lbs 7 ounces. At our prior appointment, the doctor indicated that we would only need to come back at 15 months if we wanted to but that it wasn't necessary as there were no shots until 18 months. Since the appointment was on their 14 month birthday, we decided against the 15 month appointment.

We hope the boys feel better soon!! It is only the 2nd time that we have had to bring them to the doctor for a sick visit. The first time was when a viral exanthem surfaced on Connor after a cold and fever in November.

These pics were taken just prior to the visit....

I love those chubby legs and couldn't believe that he still fit into his Bumbo!!

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