Friday, March 18, 2011

There's no crying at the Zoo

Well, generally, but Jackson didn't get that memo. Jackson had an incredibly emotional wake-up and we knew that it could be one of those days that you are just hoping to get to his nap without too many meltdowns. On this day, we planned to go to the zoo and Michael actually took the morning off to join us so not going wasn't an option. He didn't want to be held, he didn't want to walk and he didn't want to be in his stroller. But, we powered through and realized that the excitement of a 1st Trip to the Zoo was more for us. Since we have a membership, we will try again but with much lower expectations (ie: a good walk for mommy). Connor, on the other hand, was his normal laid-back self and enjoyed the polar bears. We told him that we were approaching the penguins and he squealed in delight. I'm not sure if he saw anything but, we will be back to catch his favorite bird.

I very rarely post on the big FB but I thought that I had to...

would like to apologize to everyone that heard someone crying almost the entire time we were at the zoo :(. I don't think that he even saw any of the animals!!! His brother loved what he saw and was squealing in delight as he saw the penguins. Hopefully, they will both enjoy it the next time. March 18 at 1:27pm via iPhone

Jen: are you keeping the names anonymous?
Lisa: Who is guilty of crying at the zoo?
Mary: I am very sure I know which one was happy and which one was unhappy.
Michele: Jackson is teething and sneezing and has a runny nose so in his defense,
he really wasn't up for a trip to the zoo. He was crying when I was
holding him, in the stroller or walking so he was a hot mess. Connor
was definitely a much better zoo partner. He didn't care if he was
being held or strolling. But, he just loves to be outside.
Christine: Hopefully it's better since I will be with u!!
John: Jackson? And here I thought you were talking about Michael the whole time.

It obviously was not funny while we were there and I actually couldn't stop myself from saying to Jackson that I didn't want to be "that" mother when trying to calm him down. He is definitely going to push the limits on my parenting abilities.

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