Sunday, August 7, 2011

The sweet and the sh** of being a parent to twins

Everybody asks me how life is with twins. I repeatedly answer the question that I wouldn't know what it was like without both boys since they are all that we truly know. Michael and I have spent a lot of time with nieces and nephews but obviously a random sleep over is not the same as being the parent. So, we really do not know what it is like to be a parent to a "singleton."

With that said, things change on a given basis and the boys are and have been since birth that random strangers in the mall and walking in the stroller around our neighborhood immediately notice. Jackson is obviously very charming and fun and full of energy and as I have blogged in prior posts, Connor takes a much more laid-back approach to life with a huge side of sweetness mixed in.

And, just in a span of two days, Michael and I were smacked with the reality of what I will refer to as the "sweet and sh** of being parents to twins."

The sweet starts off at the boys' Hoppin Tots class when the teacher informed everyone in the class that she wouldn't be teaching their last class. She confirmed that there would be someone else and that she really enjoyed spending time with the children and families. Connor must have realized that there was true sorrow in the teacher's voice and waved good bye to her and walked over and put his arms up to offer up a hug. It was absolute melt my, Michael's and anybody that saw it happen's heart.

The next day was Saturday and I went to Target to pick up some items for the house and Michael calls me to relay the sh** storm that he literally just faced with Jackson. Jackson apparently negotiated off his diaper and pooped in the crib. Of course, he couldn't stop there and decided to smear the poop all over the sheet, bumper and spindles on his crib. He wasn't done and threw globs of poop outside the crib onto the floor and their rug. Michael literally walked into a sh** storm. Many parents will complain and I have myself that I have experienced said storm but nothing like what my husband had to initially deal with and me with the continued clean up of sheets, bumpers and mattress covers and the crib.

Life with our twins is all we know and it could happen to anyone else and probably will (hopefully not the sh** storm) but I couldn't imagine at the end of the day/weekend not having an opportunity to share in both experiences. This may sound crazy but I'm kind of upset that I wasn't there to have found Jackson (note: I didn't say to have to clean up the initial storm).

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