Wednesday, May 30, 2012

finally, Jackson singing his ABCs

It  has been months since he started singing them and it was probably a better idea to wait to get the video now as he sounds a lot clearer than he did when he started.  Trying to get videos of just one of them are so hard since they eat together.  But, it seems like the only place he is generally "contained" for long enough to actually get the video.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Forget counting to 10 -- Jackson is now up to 20

The portion of counting to 10 from Jackson was long overdue but I figured this was worth the wait.  For the record, I have no idea nor does Michael how he got up to 20 but we are super proud of our counter.  He doesn't have recognition of all of them but knowing them is a start. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

We had the Campbells over to celebrate and the kids had a great time as did the adults.  Menu was cookout food and the grill got a work-out as did the pool, water table and caterpillar.

The typical in and out of the pool.

Water buckets for "it's raining, it's pouring."

Connor is very interested in the water table and is an EASY target for mosquitoes as he stands firm and makes sure that none of his beloved water table animals are in jeopardy of being shared.

"Excuse me, Mary Elizabeth, we are friends but back off of my animals. Sorry!!"

They made up a couple minutes later with a hug.

The crazy caterpillar always provides shrieks and giggles despite the massive amount of mud that it creates.  But, mud is part of the fun, right and it rinses off.

Mary Elizabeth is a wild one in the water.  She is ALL over the splashing and hangs with the boys with the dumping of water even requesting for water to be dumped on her.  It is so fun to watch her.

We were ALL able to eat outside thanks to the boys' new table and chair set from Ben and Lisa. Jackson even ate a real hot dog, as in not a turkey dog (monumental).  They were so cute sitting there looking like little men.  As you can see, Connor was still hoarding the animals.....

And, they had their first of many go rounds with popsicles. Jackson enjoyed his the best out of all the kids. Thinking it was because he had the green but it was so hot that it shouldn't have mattered the color or flavor.

It was a great day with good friends and we look forward to many more backyard celebrations!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Polars are swimming and the elephants took a bath

Another zoo adventure with the boys.  It was a fantastic day at the zoo full of active animals that were putting on a display.

The polar bears swimming is one of the highlights for the boys.  They are the first animal that we generally check and we usually go back to see if they have started to swim. On this day -- the polar bears cooperated early.

Next up was the arctic fox that was actually out and walking around.

We moved on to the Children's Farm area and the boys got to show Michael how they get to the barn owl and his fan, which Jackson loves.  He runs up to the fan and starts giggling when he feels the wind.  It is so cute to hear the giggle and the running back and forth.

We walked down to see the elephants which I have been skipping because the boys often times ignore them.  I'm so happy that we ventured down the hill because the elephants were taking a bath.  It was SUPER amazing to see and the boys were mesmerized by the whole experience as were  Michael and I.

We owed Connor a trip to the penguins since we told him that they were sleeping the last time we were all together even though they weren't.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Michael Go Back" - he did and we got to see horses up close

On the way home from my brother's house on Easter, we took the scenic route and the boys and I were looking out for horses.  We spotted several and I turned to Michael and said, "Michael, go back."  Connor has been on repeat since that day and despite the fact that Michael did go back, we still didn't get the boys close enough to see the horses. 

While we were driving on Ashland/Paper Mill for a walk on the NCR Trail, the boys were saying "I see a horse."  We decided it was as good of a day as any to go find some horses.  We went further on the road and turned off (which reminded me so much of a trip with my father, mother and grandmother (at times)) to find the horse. 

We found two horses and the boys were in awe.

Keeping an eye on the horses.

Connor was a little shy at first but Jackson was all over it.

Getting up close and giving the horses some pats.

There wasn't a big red barn and we might have been trespassing while looking for one but these boys wanted to see the barn and we didn't want to disappoint.  The big red tractor helped when we realized that there was no barn.

Swimming Lessons - Round #1

The boys have been taking swimming lessons for the past 6 weeks and it has been so much fun. The lessons are full of singing and the boys have learned several new songs, including "It's raining, it's pouring," "Motorboat" and "I'm a little teacup."  The boys now sing "if you're happy and you know it, kick your feet."  The "raining" and "pouring" is full of fun and dumping of water buckets over the head.  Everything is done to get the boys comfortable in the water.

And, we even do a portion of passing the kids around so that they can rely on others. I remember getting passed tiny twins at the first ever class and being super concerned that something would happen. The absolute worst is the toddler with separation issues.  Luckily, we have had a lot of excitement related to the lessons other than Connor getting his swimsuit on, which could take up to 20 minutes?!?  It takes him awhile to get adjusted to new things and hopefully this will pass.

Regardless of the faces in some of the pictures -- he really did enjoy himself and apparently, Jackson enjoyed himself so much because of his access to the pool water to drink but they participated and had fun.

Prior to getting in for the lesson and after the lesson was over, the Merritt allowed us access to the pool.  The lack of structure was a good way to get warmed up to the pool and it allowed a lot of fun afterwards.  Connor, who would cry to get his bathing suit would start tearing up because he didn't want to leave.

For some reason, Connor had his worst fit putting on his bathing suit on the last class and this was the best we could do for a family photo.

If you're happy and you know it - kick your feet.

Kicking to get to his toy of choice (and smiling).

Finally relaxing after class is over!!!

They both loved these boards...

Despite the emotions and extreme difficulties in getting Connor ready to go, it was a great way to spend time with the boys and I know that Michael and I are going to miss the fun times with the boys in the pool.   Good bye pool and cow in the parking lot.  We'll catch up again sometime soon.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Locust Point park

We were recently introduced to this park and were happy to get back to it as it is fenced AND it has choo choo sitings, which are a huge hit with both of the boys. And, on the day that we were there, the CSX trains were doing test runs.  Jackson was giddy with excitement. Connor was all over the swings and it was just a great way to spend a couple of hours with the boys.

Sometimes -- they do go in the same direction.

 Focused on swinging but listening out for the choo choos.

Watching out for the choo choos on the teeter totter.

Connor's happy place : the swing. He was super concerned bout being able to contain his juice and snack cup.  Always the hoarder of things...

Checking E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G out.

They often always end up on the slides together.

Teeter Totter time and pointing out the choo choos.

It's a newer park so it is missing some shade but we will definitely be back and if not for the fun at the park; the glimpse of the choo choos and cruise ships that we can see on the way in and out.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

St. Pius X Carnival

While Michael was busy buying the ride tickets, both Connor and Jackson were stalking this rubber duck game. 

Their 1st roller coaster....  Connor was a little concerned looking out for us but didn't want to get off so he got over that rather fast.

Checking out the big kid rides like the Zipper. He actually fell gawking at the rides and not paying attention to where he was walking. 

Taking a juice break.

Riding the dinosaurs.  This older girl kept looking back at Connor to make sure that he was o.k. with the pink dinosaur that they were sharing.  She was holding his hand almost the entire ride. It was super sweet.

Fire Trucks.


Our favorite.. the motorcycles.  Jackson took his bike riding seriously with the lean forward to reach the steering wheel.  Too cute for more words.

It was a fun hour at the carnival.  Afterwards, we hit up TCBY for the boys' first frozen yogurt experience.  They indulged in some french vanilla yogurt with M&Ms and sprinkles while flirting with the customers and staff. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

After a zoo trip with the boys in the morning and an afternoon nap, we spent the rest of Mother's Day with our family and had a great day.  I received a gift certificate for a spa day to be used later but my favorite "gift" was my brother zooming in (unasked) to get pictures of myself and Jackson and Connor. Thanks sooo much Joe.  It really did make my day when I went through the camera at the pics later in the day.  I couldn't imagine life without Jackson and Connor.  They are my EVERYTHING and make my life so much better and teach me about how amazing everything can be through the eyes of two almost 2 1/2 year olds.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Zoo Fun

The boys and I convinced Michael to head out to the Zoo for some fun.  It was an overcast day, which is great for the zoo since there is not a lot of shade.  However, the Zoo had hosted an event in the morning and everything was super crowded.

We didn't get in as much as we usually do because of the crowds but it was still a lot of fun.

Connor taking Michael up the stairs to get to the barn owl.

Checking out the barn owl.

We spent a lot of time in the petting zoo. And, actually pet the goats for a change.  However, throwing the brush's in the goat's water is always fun too!

The sheep were doing a lot of talking as it was just about feeding time.

We actually saw the lion, which is a BIG thing.

The chimps are another favorite of ours and it gives Jackson a great view of the choo choo train.

We had to tell Connor that the penguins were sleeping.  He won't know until he is able to read this. Shhh don't tell him.