Sunday, May 27, 2012

Polars are swimming and the elephants took a bath

Another zoo adventure with the boys.  It was a fantastic day at the zoo full of active animals that were putting on a display.

The polar bears swimming is one of the highlights for the boys.  They are the first animal that we generally check and we usually go back to see if they have started to swim. On this day -- the polar bears cooperated early.

Next up was the arctic fox that was actually out and walking around.

We moved on to the Children's Farm area and the boys got to show Michael how they get to the barn owl and his fan, which Jackson loves.  He runs up to the fan and starts giggling when he feels the wind.  It is so cute to hear the giggle and the running back and forth.

We walked down to see the elephants which I have been skipping because the boys often times ignore them.  I'm so happy that we ventured down the hill because the elephants were taking a bath.  It was SUPER amazing to see and the boys were mesmerized by the whole experience as were  Michael and I.

We owed Connor a trip to the penguins since we told him that they were sleeping the last time we were all together even though they weren't.

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