Friday, August 31, 2012

State Fair

The boys missed the State Fair last year as we were on vacation and after the fun that we had at the Harford County Farm Fair, we were very happy that Michael was able to take the day off prior to the start of our vacation so that we could enjoy ALL that is the State Fair--- animals, sights and rides.

And, he's off...

The longest time he spent with any cow. It just happened to be the plastic one outside the cow palace.

Connor, on the other hand, could have spent hours, upon hours walking around looking at the animals.  He was so excited that he was actually able to walk this close to a cow.

Just prior to our entering the cow palace, this calf was born.  And, apparently, there were several more moms that they were monitoring.

 Jackson, on the other side, found hay, wheelbarrows and shobels, a/k/a shovels.

There was a small selection of animals outside the cow palace that Connor and I had to get through before the rides and Jackson burned off some energy running around waiting for us to finish along with getting a snack.  Connor could have meandered through these animals for hours...

And, off to the rides! The boys were anxious to enter the rides but were definitely lacking in the patience department when it came time to wait for daddy to get the tickets. 

Jackson taking it ALL in and making his selection on the first ride!

First up, the flying bananas...

It actually got up really high in the air.

Next up was the vehicles..

The Race Fans was a big hit and actually moved really fast especially when it jerked around the corners.

It was time for the last ride and we asked the boys what they wanted to ride. Jackson was ALL OVER the Wiggle Worms, which was a favorite at the carnival over the summer.

Connor chose Dumbo to be his last ride. We were so proud of him sticking with his choice and not following Jackson onto the Wiggle Worm. He happily waited in line and enjoyed Dumbo even though it took him to the very end to realize that the bar was the key to going up and down.

Unfortunately, Jackson was not as understanding and wanted to ride the Dumbo ride as well and we left with 1 crying toddler. I'm sure that this won't be the only time that we leave somewhere with at least one in tears but the joy on both of their faces and the conversations that happened after were classic. Note: Whenever we drive by the Fairgrounds, Jackson looks over and says "i ride the rides." He perked up after we talked about getting lunch and both boys said good-bye to the rides and animals.

As Connor and Jackson said "we will be back again soon."

State Fair - Part 2 {videos}

Upon entering the cow palace, we obviously saw a lot of cows but were able to see a calf that was just born.

We moved around the cow palace and Jackson started to get to work with the hay and wheelbarrows.  Once Connor and I caught up with him, Connor quickly got in on the action.

After the cow palace and some snacks, we headed over to the Midway for some rides.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Meeting Ms. G and exploring Dulaney Day

As we are going to be on vacation when the kids and Michael and I would get the opportunity to tour the school and meet the boys' teacher, Ms. G, we contacted the school and Carol invited us to come and see everything. 

We were super happy as the policy is for the students to get brought in by their teachers.  And, with Connor's recent issues of separation anxiety, I was incredibly concerned about the start of school and worried for him about having a complete stranger unbuckling him from his car seat and walking him in.

All smiles for the camera.

On the way to the car.  They were holding  hands and actually listening (well enough for me to get the picture) and there was no activity on the street.

Walking the sidewalk and at the door waiting for Carol, the director, to let them in.

Walking the halls like a big boy.

Checking out their room and all the toys, of course.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kangaroo Welcoming Crew

We had hoped to go to the State Fair but the weather was not cooperating so the next obvious place was the mall if you know anything about Jackson and Connor.  After some time in Tiny Town and lunch at Nordstrom Cafe, the boys hit up Michael for a cinnamon sugar pretzel and a frappuccino at Starbucks.  This of course was not without issue as Connor had spotted the Starbucks, a/k/a the Coffee House in the mall and didn't want to go to the one near TU despite seeing the long line.  We eventually took him screaming out of the mall but did come through with the frap (decaf -- no judging).

Jokingly, he questioned me on what happened when I brought the boys to the mall indicating that he felt like he got set up.  Little did he know that the "shake downs" weren't over for the day.

After we got home and the boys woke up from their nap, Connor continued his conversation with Michael about the kangaroo family to accompany his zoo.  He immediately gave in despite the pouring down rain and that Jackson was still asleep. Connor was proactive and even went to get his shoes.  We delayed him and redirected him to other toys but immediately once Jackson woke up from his nap, Connor came running up the steps asking for his kangaroos.  Jackson didn't know what had happened and we decided that Michael should also try to get Rex to accompany the other Toy Story wheelies.

Here they are after spotting Michael on his way in from the car..

note: I called the store to confirm that they had the kangaroos and have seen Rex and the Kangaroos in the store with the boys and asked them if they wanted them and their answer was always a no.  But, of course, on one of the rainiest days of the year -- it is a must have. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

playing with Amigos at Locust Point Park

We ventured out to catch up with our play date pals, Jakey and Caleb and their mom on a beautiful morning that wasn't too hot or sunny.  Their mom suggested Locust Point Park and it is the perfect location for my choo choo obsessed toddlers.  On the way in, they got to see the CSX trains running and had to wait and we actually had to do a u-turn because even the boys agreed that it was taking too long.

Prior to Jake and Caleb arriving, the boys had some fun getting pushed around on this ring, which turns out to be a serious workout as they need help to get it moving.  Good thing is that they have figured out how to get on and hold on with either a juice and/or snack cup.

All of the boys were very curious about a guy that was weeding and mulching.  Jackson definitely found a niche as a good overseer until he decided to help take the weeds out of the bag and put them in the water fountain?!?  Why, oh why?!?

Jackson decided that they needed to hold hands.

Connor WANTED so desperately to be included but was lagging behind because of his "need" to hoard his juice and snack cups as in no extra hands to hold.  He was crying "please don't leave me. please hold my hand." So sweet!!

Jackson is super lucky that Jacob is good pal and continued to hold on....

Eventually, the three of them were able to hold hands.  The boys have never watched Toy Story 3 but have been watching some of the shorts on the disney channel and just learned the word - Amigo and Jacob and Caleb are definitely good friends :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rodgers Forge elementary park

We live really close to this park and rarely take advantage of it with the boys.  They have had so many problems with mosquito bites that we have been really struggling to take them out without getting them covered in bites EVEN if we do put something on them.  We just decided to go with it on an overcast Sunday morning.

Jackson was obsessed with a butterfly that had landed on the playground.

Connor is getting more and more aggressive with his maneuvering around the playground.  On his own, his first task was to scale the rock wall.  Never a dull moment, he attempts this with juice and snack cup in hand...

 Once we told them that it was time to go, Jackson grabbed the wagon and was ready to take the lead.

Connor wanted to keep going AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN!

We will be back sooner than later!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Knuckle Biting and Shaking

Anybody that has met Jackson knows that his signature "moves" when he is excited are knuckle biting to the point of having callouses on his left hand and shaking with excitement to the point of looking very "seizure" like.

I often tell people that he is just very excited to avoid any further questions when it happens.  But, it is a good thing and you know that he is enjoying himself so it isn't all that bad except for the callouses on his fingers...

This shake is "minor" compared to some of the others that I've witnessed but still very enthused about Jungle Junction.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I ride the boat

After visiting with baby Sam and his parents, we decided to take advantage of their parking and walk around the harbor.   We strolled by the Ritz Carlton Residences and almost immediately after noticing the boats, Jackson started exclaiming "I Ride the Boat."  It was classic Jackson and I knew that Michael would give in. 

We started searching and decided on the water taxi.  This was something that was completely out of our general comfort zone with the boys and we were super happy that they listened so well and hope to make more adventures like this.  They are definitely maturing.  After a nice lunch at Koopers, we ventured back.

Connor is ALWAYS willing to pose for the camera.

Pointing out the sights.

We got to see the Domino Sugar plant, light house and Power Plant.

It was a great day and I'm super happy that I just happened to have our nice camera on hand to catch sights.