Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pool Membership at Mount Washington Swim Club

We were so happy when we heard back from Mount Washington Swim Club in early May that they were extending our family a membership since we had been on the waiting list since Memorial Day in 2012. 

The boys had a busy month of June with fun at the pool and Summer Camp at the Church of the Redeemer.

Some photos of pool fun on our first weekend at the pool.

More fun at the pool.  The Dig Digs were very popular and all of the other kids in the pool were interested in sharing.  We are working on sharing.  But, we have learned to not bring things that we are not willing to share.

His cheese face after asking for a picture.

Just a little lounging and playing with cups. Plastic cups are apparently very exciting at the pool since you can serve everyone tea!

Connor making a splash with the Crystal Mickey!

And, sometimes when it is cloudy and raining out and you just want to get in to your inflatable, which we hear a lot of (GRRR since we just got the pool membership), we just go with it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Big Bro and Little Bro

I've had the boys wear shirts similar to this in the past and people have questioned if we have any news... And, I can confirm that we don't have any news and would like to remind everyone that Jackson was born 2 minutes before Connor.  So, he is the Big Bro and Connor is the Little Bro.

Only 2 minutes separate them so they are the best of buddies (most of the time) but Jackson can take the title of Big Bro.  Connor loves to pose for pictures as it must be a I'm the baby thing....  I'm lucky to catch Jackson even looking at the camera.

This may be one of my favorite new pictures of the two of them together.

I really LOVE both of their smiles but I can just hear Jackson's giggle when I see this picture. Connor is trying to wrap his arm around him and Jackson definitely has the no don't do that but it is still funny face. LOVE THEM!!!  And, I love even more that they are starting to spend more and more time together playing happily.  There are still fights and disagreements but there are more happy times and less arguing. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

We had a fun day celebrating Father's Day and ended with a reading Hiccupotamus. 

Jackson was really trying with his smiles.

The best one of Connor was him not even looking at the camera. He still loves to smile and pose!!