Thursday, July 4, 2013

First Fireworks on the 4th

Since we were out of power last 4th of July, we really were not in a festive mood so we were definitely looking forward to a fun 4th in 2013.

We headed off to the mall to get some treats, a/k/a cinnamon sugar pretzel for Jackson and caramel frap for Connor.

He is totally an addict!!!

After a fun steaks on the grill lunch for all, we headed up to our cousin's house for a cookout.  After some food and fun in the pool, the boys were figuring out how to use some water guns.  Boys will be boys, right?!?  Jackson figured it out almost immediately and Connor took some more practice but definitely got it.

The sun started to set and in anticipation of the boys 1st fireworks, we grabbed a seat on the pool deck.

We weren't really sure how well they would do and had a little concern since they don't like loud noises in bathrooms but were hopeful.  Jackson was hiding under a bench but definitely had his eyes open to be able to see the fireworks. Connor love them as well.

A great day of feasting, family and fireworks!!

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