Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies for Santa

With Santa arriving, we needed to step up our holiday baking and get some chocolate chip cookies ready for him.

Connor and Michael focused on the wet ingredients and has become a serious pro at using the hand mixer.  He is very focused on his chore of mixing.  Jackson often will help him by holding the bowl down. Non-slip bowls are definitely on our list of baking needs.

Waiting for Jackson is not the best.  He doesn't do well at all with it.  The dry ingredients probably aren't as fun as it is just measuring and he didn't really want to help.  Connor was definitely having more fun with being able to use the mixer.

It was time for Jackson to help with the mixer.  He was just as focused as Connor.

Connor added the flour as Jackson walked away by this point.  

Next up was the chocolate chips. 

And, the best part would be licking the beaters.  The cookies were delicious.   Thank you bakers Connor and Michael.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cookie baking

With the fun of Disney behind us and no holiday baking accomplished, we set out today as our day to bake some holiday Peanuts pals.  The cookie dough was ready and in an effort to avoid fighting, we divided it in half so that each boy had their own cookie sheet to make some delicious cookies.

Connor was up first.  He helped roll out the dough and negotiated the cookie cutters to make as many Charlie Brown pals as he could.   He is very tactical about his decisions but struggled with making decision on which Peanut character to pick and indulging in some cookie dough.

He was incredibly proud of his efforts to make his 9 cookies and watched attentively as they baked in the oven. 

While Connor's cookies cooled on the baking rack and he indulged in some of the cookie dough, Jackson was ready to go.  He was very patient waiting and showed some definite baking skills with the rolling pin.

And, sometimes, you just need your frog to assist with some cookie baking. 

After he was done with the rolling and cutting, he kept a watchful eye on his cookies. Much to Connor's dismay, Jackson's rolling skills garnered 13 cookies.  

Monday, December 22, 2014

Finally not breaking an ornament at Valley View Farms

We had driven past Valley View multiple times and the boys were asking if we could go in.  Despite flu like symptoms, I was determined to get some extra holiday fun in for the boys prior to the big day.  In previous years, we never survived a trip through Valley View without a broken ornament or two.  

However, this trip was different. The boys showed great maturity with looking with minimal touching and had a deep admiration for all of the displays that would go in elaborate train gardens.  They definitely could have spent a lot of money if they had access to a credit card.

We spent a good bit of time checking out the Disney and Peanuts gang displays.  If only we had enough room to make such a display.....  They were even interested in the London building. 

The boys had their eyes on some woodland and safari animals but I reminded them that we had broken a lighthouse ornament for Michael.  We secured a new ornament of the boy' choosing and presented it to Michael later that night. They were proud of their choice and he was delighted. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Kenilworth Trains with Gabby

We invited Gabby and Gina to Kenilworth to check out the trains.  Connor LOVES himself the opportunity to spend some time with Gabby Girl.  He was eager to help push her in to Kenilworth  and was definitely ready and willing to be a big helper.

Gabby spend a couple of minutes checking out the trains.  It definitely brings back memories of when the boys first saw the trains in November of 2010.

They both stared and pointed for about the same amount of time as her and moved on quickly.

We found the Mickey Mouse and friends display and spent some time checking in on the Disney gang.

Jackson and Connor were interested in E-V-E-R-Y display. They were pressing every button that they could get their hands on and waiting patiently as it became more crowded.  Their maturity was definitely showing when there were multiple people trying to press the same button. They willingly walked away and returned when it was open.

Gabby was definitely ready more for snuggles than checking out the trains.  It was nap time for her and definitely understandable.

There was a great display of Walt Disney World, which was so fitting with our upcoming trip.  We were pointing out all of the things that the boys would be seeing and it was great to give them a visual to go along with all of the discussions that we've been having about our upcoming trip. 

While Jackson kept an eye on the trains, Connor was happy to oblige Gabby with her want to walk around.  And,  I think the suggestion of having her hug him and her obliging made his day for sure.

We wandered in to Stebbins Anderson and Gabby was working her grandmother for sure.

Jackson and Connor were happy to help find plush and bring them to her for her approval and cuddles.  A fun way to end a perfect morning at Kenilworth.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Santa Breakfast at Cockeysville Fire Department

After such a fun time last year, we made sure to include this event in our plans prior to departing for Disney.  Jackson arrived and checked out the events.  He was again enamored by the sled with reindeer set up for photo opportunities.

In lieu of making a craft with Connor, Jackson tried on the fireman hats and secured a spot in line for the sleigh. 

 After making a reindeer hat, Connor helped place his raffle tickets on the items that he wanted. He was very concerned about the raffle and didn't like the idea of waiting nor the idea that there was a possibility that he didn't win his item.  

We waited a long time for the pancakes and the boys' appetite did not disappoint.  They had several large pancakes each.  Connor was incredibly happy to have bacon and sausage and devoured a ton, including most of ours that was on our plate.

After enjoying our breakfast, we ventured back down to the activity area to check out the line
for Santa and see what else was available.  Connor decided to do face painting although we thought his hand would be a better idea with all of his skin irritation issues.   He requested Olaf and was very happy with how good of a job the painter did.

Jackson negotiated with a member of the fire department that he could get inside and be able to take the pictures.  There was a mix-up and we couldn't locate Connor but he was very adamant with the fireman that he had a brother, who was going to need to get pictures too.  It was so sweet of him.