Monday, December 22, 2014

Finally not breaking an ornament at Valley View Farms

We had driven past Valley View multiple times and the boys were asking if we could go in.  Despite flu like symptoms, I was determined to get some extra holiday fun in for the boys prior to the big day.  In previous years, we never survived a trip through Valley View without a broken ornament or two.  

However, this trip was different. The boys showed great maturity with looking with minimal touching and had a deep admiration for all of the displays that would go in elaborate train gardens.  They definitely could have spent a lot of money if they had access to a credit card.

We spent a good bit of time checking out the Disney and Peanuts gang displays.  If only we had enough room to make such a display.....  They were even interested in the London building. 

The boys had their eyes on some woodland and safari animals but I reminded them that we had broken a lighthouse ornament for Michael.  We secured a new ornament of the boy' choosing and presented it to Michael later that night. They were proud of their choice and he was delighted. 

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