Thursday, February 27, 2014

4 year well visit

We had to reschedule the boys' 4 year well visit due to a snowstorm.  It is so nice to see how much that they are advancing relative to having to wait.

Jackson went back first and took care of introductions with the nurse. 

Connor was 39 1/4  inches and weighed 37 lbs.

Jackson 40 1/4 inches and was 39 lbs.

Dr. Ken was kind enough to let Jackson give him an examination.  Jackson has always struggled with the exams, specifically the checking of his ears and nose.  There weren't tears this time but it was not well received.

Jackson had a bump on his foot that needed to be cleaned out. When we were discussing the appointment, he mentioned that he was going to ask Dr. Ken to take a look.  We are so proud of him sitting there while Dr. Ken scraped off the bump.  He is to take some epsom salt baths to make sure that it heals properly.

Connor did fairly well with the exam.  There were no tears until the 4 shots, yes 4.  Connor was more upset about the idea of getting the bandaids than the actual shots. He was HYSTERICAL that he had them on his legs and would not stop crying.  Michael had to pull them off his legs when we were in the Starbucks drive thru.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mail Deliveries in the snow

With the Polar Vortex sweeping through the East Coast, a small trip to the mailbox during the day is a big thing.  It was nice to see no snow on the pathway to the mailbox and the piles of snow lowering on the grass.

We had sun and a card to mail and we were out the door.  With lollipop in hand, Jackson led the way.

Connor plowed through and amazingly didn't get very wet with the puddles.

We had to have a delivery compromise with one opening the door and the other dropping the card in.

We arrived home and Jackson had to remove his jeans and underwear because of a serious fall while trying to jump puddles.  He lost the lollipop but did manage to make it home with minimal tears.  I don't know if we will be taking many more walks when the snow is on the ground to the mailbox but they were big helpers.

N3 Valentine Party

After some weather delays after yet another snowstorm, the N3s were able to celebrate Valentine's Day and exchange cards with their friends.  The boys had prepared an animal valentine with small bags of Pirate Booty and raisins for their friends and their helper, Sophia, and almonds wrapped in hearts for their teachers.

Their bags that they made in class were filled with treats from their friends.

Posing quickly before opening up their bag of treats.

And, a big thanks to their friend, Gilian, who helped introduce them to the sugar goodness that is Starbust.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Crafts and Cookies

We invited Mary Elizabeth and her family over for Valentine's Dinner.  The adults had crab cakes and
the little people indulged on hot dogs and tater tots.  It was definitely a win for all.

There were crafts to do and cookies to decorate.  First up were owls and then there were butterflies.  The glue required adult assistance but it was a lot of fun.

I love the leaning over the table and helping one another with placement of the butterfly wings.

Sneaky Connor getting some of the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies we made once the crafts were finished.

Once the owl and butterfly were done, we moved on to decorate some heart shaped cookies. 

Connor admired these decorations we encouraged him to limit his sugar intake and wait until the cookies were decorated but it is part of the fun.

Definitely not sure if more ended up in his belly than on the cookies but my vote goes for belly especially with that guilty looking face.

Having MORE fun in the snow

We headed out with clear walkways to explore more of the snow and clear off the cars.

Connor was happy with grabbing the snow and trying to make snowballs. 

Jackson was a big helper and trying to shovel and help.  He was grabbing all of the shovels he could get his hands on. 

Lots of laying down in the snow for Connor.

After "helping" with the shoveling, he was off to climb the big piles of snow.

They had a such a great time and are ready for more and more snow and celebrating Valentine's Day later on. There was some definite concern for Michael as his coworker was picking him up and taking him in to the office. The boys were instructing Mr. Jason to be careful with their daddy.

Happy Valentine's Day

After some fun in the snow in the morning, we got our of our comfy clothes and got dressed for a fun Valentine's Day celebration.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Baking Valentine Pretzel Doodles

After the boys warmed up, we set them up with some pretzels and hershey kisses to get a start on our Valentine baking.

After the kisses melted, we set them up with the M&Ms.

No underwear with M&Ms in hand and a determined face. 

Connor ate so many of the M&MS that I am surprised that he actually had enough for his pretzel doodles. 

Fun in the Snow

We secured the boys' first pair of winter boots and were ready for what ended up being a seriously snowy winter.

Luckily, the getting dressed part didn't disrupt their enthusiasm for getting out in the snow. 

Retailers REALLY need to find out how to make weatherproof gloves that actually fit toddlers.

The boys had a lot of fun.  

Trying to climb the snow piles. 

The boys were stepping in to the snow and sinking to coat deep. 

The boys were not happy about the snow in their boots and were complaining about it being cold.  So, we said goodbye to their fun in the snow to warm up.