Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mail Deliveries in the snow

With the Polar Vortex sweeping through the East Coast, a small trip to the mailbox during the day is a big thing.  It was nice to see no snow on the pathway to the mailbox and the piles of snow lowering on the grass.

We had sun and a card to mail and we were out the door.  With lollipop in hand, Jackson led the way.

Connor plowed through and amazingly didn't get very wet with the puddles.

We had to have a delivery compromise with one opening the door and the other dropping the card in.

We arrived home and Jackson had to remove his jeans and underwear because of a serious fall while trying to jump puddles.  He lost the lollipop but did manage to make it home with minimal tears.  I don't know if we will be taking many more walks when the snow is on the ground to the mailbox but they were big helpers.

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