Sunday, June 7, 2015

Wild About Primates Day at the Zoo

The boys have been super busy with summer camp so we took advantage of the beautiful forecast and went to the zoo since we hadn't been in awhile. 

The new penguin education center is always a great area to spend some time.  There are often volunteers with either ambassador animals and providing a good bit of animal education. Today, the snake was offered.

We  saw the sign about Wild About Primate Day when we entered the at zoo and we changed our normal walking route in effort to catch up with some of the enrichment that they were offering.

There was a lot of activity and all of the chimpanzees appeared to be on display.  The keepers spoke and answered questions. 

Their enrichment was having the chimpanzees try foods like barbecue sauce, mustard, maple syrup and peanut butter.  They mixed the foods together and the reactions were fantastic.  Once the chimpanzees realized what was going on, they charged to the fences to see what was being offered.  They explained that this was a very popular enrichment for the animals.

After the enrichment was over, we moved on to Lemur Island.

We continued walking to find the okapi outside and all of the female giraffes inside. Typically, the females are kept together on the side of the fence closest to the giraffe house and the male, Caesar, isled to the feeding station.  Apparently, while the primates were getting all of the attention, one of the giraffes broke down the fence.  The keepers had to hurry up and move the giraffes inside.

We had a great day together celebrating the Wild About Primates Day.  We've recently added Escape to Chimp Eden on our regular rotation of television shows. The boys are learning so much about the Chimps.  

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