Friday, December 11, 2015

Fire and Ice

We decided to go to Towson for their Fire and Ice event.  It was described as a hide and seek of ice sculptures with random stops for s'mores.  Upon arrival, we immediately spotted the ice sculptures.  

Connor was obsessed with the Kona penguin and he didn't want to walk away even after I got a picture.  They were donating proceeds to Make A Wish.  We opted to make a donation in lieu of an ice treat on a cold night. 

After spotting Frosty, we found a fire pit for s'mores.  

Jackson doesn't hesitate when it comes to new adventures assuming that you do not ask him to eat anything that he doesn't know.  Before we knew it, Jackson had a skewer and a marshmallow and was in the fire pit.  Connor joined in.  Lucky for us,  Jackson donated his marshmallows for our s'mores.  He likes all of the components of s'mores but won't eat them together.  Maybe, one day... If not, we will always take him up on his offer to roast the marshmallows.

After the s'mores, we were off to find more ice sculptures and ran into the Greene Turtle's Turtle, who was more than happy to pose for a picture. 

We were ready for dinner and were trying to figure out where when the boys spotted the Grinch and Frosty and the last ice sculpture, Santa Claus. 

After we had dinner, Jackson was more than happy to help us with dessert as he spotted another Fire Pit in front of CVP.   It was a fun night  We will definitely have to try again next year. 

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