Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week 8 of 52 in 2017

Jackson:  We had picked up the majority of Jackson's equipment for lacrosse at a swap but a stick was still on our list.  It was a very big decision for him to switch from baseball to lacrosse but we made sure to know that whatever was going to make him happy was the right decision (even if that did not include having Michael coach him).  We went to LaxWorld to pick out a stick and get some balls that he could practice with.  Upon returning home, he immediately wanted to go out and practice. He even left a message for his cousins asking for some help as we are a little over our heads.

Connor:  It has been really hard to find something for breakfast that Connor will eat without prolonged delay.  We've tried all kinds of things to no avail.  I think that it is a situation where he just isn't really a big fan of breakfast. He will routinely eat all of his lunch, which Jackson rarely does. We had been giving the boys some "baby" food and recently started to reduce it.  As a result, Connor was left with minimal items that he would eat UNTIL he agreed to tried bagels.  And, I'd have to say we have a winner.  The bagel has to have butter, which makes absolute sense, but it's like breakfast  has totally changed. We are so happy!!!

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