Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week 12 of 52 in 2017

Jackson:  Jackson absolutely LOVES musical theater.  We hadn't been to a play in awhile and realized that it was time to get some tickets.  So, in the span of about a month, we will have seen Mary Poppins and Stuart Little.  We had read Charlotte's Web and are starting Stuart Little. After the play ended, Jackson was ecstatic to see the cast.  Unfortunately we didn't have a pen for him to get an autograph but he was absolutely o.k. with a picture. He bear hugged Jane with the intent of having her pick him  up off the ground.  Fairly confident that he took her by surprise but she didn't seem to mind.

Connor:  Connor has made such great strides swimming but the one stroke hat he has really struggled with is the back stroke.  He doesn't really have the abdominal strength to keep his belly up without sinking to the ground.  His instructor said that she would keep working with him and at this lesson, Conor did at least 3 back strokes without assistance. Both he and I were beaming with pride.

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