Sunday, September 3, 2017

Week 35 of 52 in 2017

Jackson: It was sneak a peek at the school after a long summer. Even if you asked him, Jackson said yes to being ready to return.  He was a little bummed that Caden had moved away but was excited to have the Maggie's and Andrew and finally Josh Denis. This is after he found his teacher's collection of books.  All smiles because his nose is often stuck in a book.

Connor:  Connor was definitely not ready to return to the school.  He was a little hesitant about having the new teacher as change is not really good for him.  But, finding these boys made all that hesitation disappear.  He is looking forward to a fun 2nd grade. And, as long as Jackson isn't his class, ALL is good in his world.  Connor was not meant to be a twin.

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