Sunday, December 17, 2017

Week 50 of 52 in 2017

Jackson: ANY parent involved in lacrosse can attest to the fact that the equipment is overwhelming. After figuring out during indoor lacrosse how to attach the helmet to the stick, the light bulb finally went off and we now have ALL and I do mean ALL the equipment on the stick. Oh, and our lax player being able to carry it makes it even better.

Connor: This boy may finally be able to smile at the dentist but we were finally told what we've been waiting for when those 4 teeth arrived in a week at 13 months, Connor will need to see an orthodontist for a consult.  His teeth are easily double the size of Jackson's and we knew that this was inevitable.  Baby teeth overwhelmed his mouth so we knew it was a matter of time. Hopefully, he'll still be all smiles when the orthodontist visits start.

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