Sunday, March 25, 2018

Week 12 of 52 in 2018

Jackson and Connor:  It was a busy weekend for us.  We are still not ready for the boys to be done with the Easter Bunny and the were very happy to catch up with him at Tark's the food was good (Jackson was very happy with his burger and it's perfect seasoning) and there was a magic show that captured their attention. 

After brunch and pics with the bunny, we were off to see Shrek at Mercy.  Another great production from Charm City Players for our boys that love to see plays at the theater.

Connor:  It was the last week that Connor's art was going to be at the public library so we used it as leverage to get both boys into bathing suits and over to Goucher for their stroke clinic.  They were most definitely not impressed with getting in the pool when it was cold outside but super happy to find Connor's Mr. Rainbow:

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Week 11 of 52 in 2018

Jackson: We had the option of getting tickets to see the Blast in their last game before heading to the championship game in Mexico.  Jackson was the only boy in my house that wanted to go so it was a date for Jackson and mommy.  We really enjoyed ourselves cheering on the Blast and chatting about all the things.  So good to have individual time with the boys.

Connor:  We were up in Carroll County for Aunt Laura's funeral and the boys and I skipped the church service opting to find lunch.  On our drive, we found the base of a mountain full of snow and ended up getting close enough to figure out it was Ski Liberty.  After getting lunch, we checked out the slopes.  Connor was very interested and we discussed that maybe it was time to try it out. It was definitely lunch with a view.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Week 10 of 52 in 2018

Jackson:  This boy has become super obsessed with lacrosse.  We are so lucky to live in an area with so many good lacrosse programs  I was able to secure tickets to see Loyola play Duke.  This smile says it all.

Connor:  It was too hard to pick just one this week.  Connor tried oysters years ago and has been asking to have them again ever since.  After the lax game, we went to Ryleighs and he took the plate over. 

In stark comparison to the loss of power last week, it was nice enough to go out and practice baseball. The season will be starting soon and getting in some extra practice is always a good thing.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

DUKE v. LOYOLA (1st Lacrosse Game)

During one of the boys' most recent haircuts, they met a player from the Loyola lacrosse team.  He was telling the boys that they should come out and see a game.  Since the weather was a bit chilly, we opted for the match up against Duke.  It's so awesome that we have access to 3 nationally ranked college lacrosse teams within an hour's drive.

Their first of hopefully many times walking in to Ridley.

We got there super early because it was general admission.  Next time, we need to make sure to bring more blankets. It was a little cold and windy and the way that the seats are positioned offered no real protection from the wind.

Regardless of the weather, the boys were all smiles.

It was a great game and went back and forth for awhile before Duke asserted it's offensive power. 

While we were there, we got to meet the mom of the Duke defender, T, who ended up being an All American.  Besides T who wears #2, the boys now know who to be paying attention to - Montgomery and Gutdering for Duke and Spencer and Drapeau for Loyola.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Fun at Skyzone to benefit RFES

We had previously missed this event sponsored by the PTA but opted to attend this year.  It had been years since we had been to Sky Zone so it was a good day to do some jumping.

Since it had been so long, we didn't know how many of their attractions had been turned into Ninja Warrior courses.  The boys have never seen the show but I anticipate that they'd love it as lots of their friends do.  It was definitely an upper body workout.

It always makes me happy to see how good of teammate Jackson is cheering his buddies on.  This time, he was rooting for Connor.  So sweet how much he loves him.

The boys were super proud of themselves to be able to make it up the wall. 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Week 9 of 52 in 2018

Jackson and Connor: We had a rough run with loosing power but it seemed to have gotten better, that is, until this week.  It was incredibly windy and we lost power on Saturday morning.  We hoped that it would have come back sooner than later but we kept ourselves busy as it was cold in the house.  We started off with breakfast and secured tickets for the Greatest Showman.  It was opening weekend for some comic book movie come to the big screen and I couldn't be more proud of our boys knowing that they'd happily pick a musical!!  The movie was amazing.  We promptly downloaded the music as fast as we could so that we could listen to it over and over again.

After securing our food and checking out Key Brewery with friends, we headed up to Joe and Missy's who were kind enough to host us and keep us entertained until we eventually got power late on Sunday.  Good news was that it was just in time for the boys to be able to go back to school on Monday!!