Sunday, March 25, 2018

Week 12 of 52 in 2018

Jackson and Connor:  It was a busy weekend for us.  We are still not ready for the boys to be done with the Easter Bunny and the were very happy to catch up with him at Tark's the food was good (Jackson was very happy with his burger and it's perfect seasoning) and there was a magic show that captured their attention. 

After brunch and pics with the bunny, we were off to see Shrek at Mercy.  Another great production from Charm City Players for our boys that love to see plays at the theater.

Connor:  It was the last week that Connor's art was going to be at the public library so we used it as leverage to get both boys into bathing suits and over to Goucher for their stroke clinic.  They were most definitely not impressed with getting in the pool when it was cold outside but super happy to find Connor's Mr. Rainbow:

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