Sunday, July 1, 2018

Week 26 of 52 in 2018

When we signed the boys up for swim team, we tried to make realistic expectations of our schedules.  The "initial" plan was that they'd attend a meet at Campus, the one at Wiltondale because they have a bunch of friends swimming and they'd go to one other that was away.  Well, the boys got in the pool and Coach Ian worked some magic and they were pressing me immediately to ensure that they were declared eligible for the meet.   And, so it starts!!! 

Michael's chest wasn't feeling so great on Friday afternoon and decided the best thing to do would be to go to the hospital as his father had a heart attach.  He's within minutes of Mercy and walked himself down to the ER. After picking up some last minute details for the boys' 1/2 birthday party (see separate post), we met up with him in the ER before they moved him to a room for an overnight stay.  He had to wait for a stress test that he eventually passed the next day.  It's never calm around here.

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