Sunday, August 12, 2018

Week 32 of 52 in 2018

Jackson:  Before leaving for vacation, Jackson was adamant that he didn't want to try out for the Kelly Post Travel team despite knowing Coach Wendell and some other friends that were going to be trying to be trying out.  We received an invite from Coppermine and Jackson was ALL OVER IT. He really loved Coach Jordan and consider that the only time he had a coach that provided him with good instruction. So, it was time to get in some lax practice.  The Snyder's were away so we were able to take advantage of their goal and bounce back.  Our baseball player even helped out and Michael learned out how to catch.

Connor:  We had reduced priced tickets and realized that the summer was almost over so we had to find a way to get to Hershey Park (separate post). Mom and the boys were off for what ended up being an all day experience.  This sweet boy showed off his love for thrill rides.  He even would ride the rides by himself when Jackson couldn't handle the heights. Giving the o.k. to launch.

After getting minimal sleep, we were up very early the next morning for teeth cleanings. I can't tell you how proud I am of this boy who is usually very uneasy about getting X rays.   It may have been the adrenaline from the prior day but he was smiling in the chair waiting for his X rays that he knew was going to happen. Who is this kid??

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