Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Finding the perfect/any one will do tree at Davidson Farms

Michael had worked in the Towson office so that we could get to Davidson Tree Farms before they closed.  The boys were super happy to see him at pick up.  We piled into the car and headed over to the Tree Farm.  There were winding roads and the sun was still out.

We were hopeful when we arrived and got the necessary tools.  Jackson was in charge of the cart and wouldn't let Connor help at all (twin brother problems).  Connor may have secured a minute.

The sun was starting to set and it was so beautiful.  As far as you could see were trees of different varieties.

The actual selection of the tree took a LOOOOOOONG time. Everybody had an opinion.  I like short and fat trees and Michael prefers skinnier ones.  It couldn't be too tall and everyone that the boys tried to pick was very fat and wouldn't fit into the space designated in our living room.  Unfortunately, the boys were getting hungry and they were taking the rejection really hard.  It was way too many emotions for something that was fun.  We decided on a tree probably because the sun was setting and we did not have any time. It was a beautiful tree but we definitely missed Mary's Meadows where there were multiple to pick from.

While Michael was trying to "cut" it down, the boys posed with another tree that we had walked passed and liked but rejected for some unknown reason.

We had sent Jackson for help as we weren't sure if Michael was going to be able to cut the tree down. It took him awhile.  We think that he got side tracked and was talking to the workers.  It was getting really dark and that didn't help either. Finally, the tree was down and we were finally ready for the tree to get baled and on the roof

By the time we were done, I couldn't even get a picture of the tree without the flash going off.  We got our tree and we are looking forward to decorating it hopefully sooner than later.

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