Sunday, January 5, 2020

Week 1 of 52 in 2020

Jackson and Connor:  There are many reasons why we love our neighborhood (parking is most definitely not one of them). But on this random day, we had 6 friends over for lunch to help finish extra pizza and chicken nuggets that we had gotten for the boys' family party.

Jackson: It was finally time for us to take advantage of the 4th grade ski pass. Our snowboarder was excited to take a new lesson and get back on the mountain at Whitetail.

Connor: This may have been Connor's only smile of the day. He was initially very excited about trying out skiing again but struggled through his lesson.  It was shortly after this photo that he had decided hanging in the lodge and watching the football games was a better option for him. He was super close (per his instructor) and just needed to link a couple more turns together. Unfortunately, I don't know that I can persuade him that most people fall often when learning how to ski. We shall see....

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