Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week 8 of 52 in 2020

Jackson:  Jackson's club team had secured the Air Dome in Loyola for practices and he was super excited to be able to practice in the same place as the NCAA Champion Greyhounds have.  There were so many rules regarding the building including that parents are not allowed to be spectators as the building capacity is low and there are so many teams practicing. So, this picture is total contraband, ha!! He's been a little nervous about it but we are so happy of him and all the hard work despite the early and we do mean early morning practices.

Connor: Connor had a follow-up which included a change of colors. He picked white and blue to support his favorite Premiere League team, Everton, and Duke basketball although he would never acknowledge it!!

Jackson and Connor:  Despite major protesting from Jackson, who was tired from his morning lacrosse practice, we were able to take advantage of the warmer weather and see baby Violet. It took us way too long to see how cute she was!!!

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