Sunday, May 24, 2020

Week 21 of 52 in 2020

Jackson and Connor:  The boys have started to look much more grown up and it wasn't just the hair. On one of our walks this week,  I asked them to stop in front of the red doors at RFES.

Jackson:  He had been talking to kids after homeroom meets and inviting them to a Kahoot quiz. After receiving multiple texts from some other moms, we were finally able to set up a Zoom lunch with a quiz.  The quiz was completely full of Jackson's opinions and he was telling the kids that their answer was no..  We need to work on fact based quizzes in the future. He was in his element being in charge of the Zoom.

Connor: He had a major fall while riding his bike on Saturday. He was so upset and the fall was at the top of the court. There were tears and middle schoolers staring at him and I knew how bad it must've hurt. We had to take turns carrying him to the house because there was no way that he was willing to stand. The neighbors heard the commotion and were kind enough to give us a whole new box of bandaids to help.  Connor recovered quickly and handled the placement of bandaids so well for him.  We took a walk on Sunday to show him that he could still do it!!

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