Sunday, June 14, 2020

Week 24 of 52 in 2020

Jackson and Connor: We FINALLY picked up our game of Monopoly and it was intense.  The boys knocked me out and Connor was able to recoup the properties I had for 1% of their value since I couldn't pay his rent in full. Eventually, Michael got knocked out but Jackson, who looked to be out in the very beginning, ended up claiming victory. Who knew that hotels on Mediterranean and Baltic could do you in..... Now, we know! This is the property that the boys were controlling. It was only a matter of time before we all went down.

The boys were invited  to ride bikes with the Snyder's. It was such a good way for the boys to celebrate Father's Day. Greg was able to show the boy's new routes to get around. It's so much more fun that just riding in the alleys. And, the best thing was that Connor was able to keep up.

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