Sunday, July 26, 2020

Week 30 of 52 in 2020

Jackson: Another week and another book that he didn't want to read but couldn't walk away from.  He wouldn't even go into the pool until he finished the book and it was hot. We LOVE his love for reading. It's hard to keep up with him in terms of getting books from the library.

Connor: Another trip to the zoo wouldn't be complete without checking out Connor's favorite animals.  However, the baby chimps stole our heart and time today.  Jackson may or may not have left us because he was over it. I get that we may have been in the building for a little too long but we did have to wait in line.

Jackson and Connor: We had some fun catching up with friends at Inverness and our neighbors who moved and have a pool.  It was so nice to be able to see our friends and be outside.  We are always available for the next pool party at Molly and Brian's.  

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Week 29 of 52 in 2020

 Jackson: There have been a TON of opportunities for lacrosse with Skillz, team practices, conditioning and scrimmaging.  Jackson's team has a player that struggles anywhere else other than goal.  So, they've been working with him to move to midfield.  He's putting in the work and doing so well.  We are so proud of him. He's fast, passes well and has great lacrosse IQ.  At the scrimmage on Sunday, he played the entire game in goal (the other goalie was on vacation) and played so well.  Way to go KP!

Jackson and Connor: We headed up to HersheyPark after the prior week was too hot and rainy. With having to wear a mask the entire time except when in the water park area, we have to rethink our strategy.  Connor got measured at the entrance, wore his tennis shoes and was able to ride all the rides he wanted except for Fahrenheit. Their measuring stick is off but we'll get there.  The new ChocolateTown area is so beautiful. 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Week 27 of 52 in 2020

 Jackson:  Lacrosse is back in full swing with safety precautions in place.  On this particular day, we ran into all of our friends from Coppermine. It's so nice to see friends out at practice.

Jackson and Connor:  HersheyPark was finally ready to open and we were able to take advantage of a season pass holder preview day before opening up to the general public. 

We had done some measuring and knew that Connor was tall enough to be a Twizzler. He eeks it out on this height check but had issues with the new ride, Candymonium.  Fortunately, he was able to walk past security and walk right on to the ride.  The person measuring suggested that he have more supportive/thicker heeled shoes than Crocs to avoid further height issues. 

Jackson was tall enough to ride the Great Bear last season but was a little skeptical about it.  However, this year, he was ALL IN.  He's working through issues with the roller coasters and we are just happy that he's figuring it out. They both LOVED it.

The boys were able to get a socially distanced picture with Ms. Kiss. Yes, it's a girl, as Connor always points out that she is wearing pink heels.  It's a little different but the boys were fine to wear their masks the whole day.  

Celebrating the 4th of July at a practically empty pool giving out firecrackers.  This year has changed so much and very few members have opted to go to the pool.  It's almost as if we had the whole campus to ourselves and we weren't upset about it.