Sunday, July 19, 2020

Week 29 of 52 in 2020

 Jackson: There have been a TON of opportunities for lacrosse with Skillz, team practices, conditioning and scrimmaging.  Jackson's team has a player that struggles anywhere else other than goal.  So, they've been working with him to move to midfield.  He's putting in the work and doing so well.  We are so proud of him. He's fast, passes well and has great lacrosse IQ.  At the scrimmage on Sunday, he played the entire game in goal (the other goalie was on vacation) and played so well.  Way to go KP!

Jackson and Connor: We headed up to HersheyPark after the prior week was too hot and rainy. With having to wear a mask the entire time except when in the water park area, we have to rethink our strategy.  Connor got measured at the entrance, wore his tennis shoes and was able to ride all the rides he wanted except for Fahrenheit. Their measuring stick is off but we'll get there.  The new ChocolateTown area is so beautiful. 

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