Sunday, March 7, 2021

Week 10 of 52 in 2021

Jackson:  It was haircut time and practice in the rain. He always looks so much older on days when he gets a haircut.  As he's gotten older, it's gotten even more pronounced.  On this day, we squeezed it in prior to his team practice in the rain. Lax season is coming in hot and it was good to see the team be able to practice in the rain.  The rain coming through our roof was not a welcomed sight!

It was a warm but WINDY day in Frederica for the Green team's first games of 2021.  Jackson started at midfield and was moved to goal in the 2nd game after the starting goal keeper got hurt.  A couple minutes into the start of the 3rd and final game, he took a rebound ball to his shin that ricocheted up to his knee. He was unfortunately out for the rest of the game as they went 1-1-1.  Despite ending on a sour note, he was happy to be able to help his team in the cage (despite the circumstances) and help them get the W only allowing 2 goals.

Connor: He has been working so hard on his clarinet booklet and trying to get through the pages to the next set of songs. Connor is very precise and won't move on until he feels he has perfected a song, which can lead to his audience wanting him to move on quicker than he's ready. On this day, he figured out London Bridge, which had been throwing him a major curve ball. So happy for him.

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