Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This Penquin can waddle, waddle, waddle

Connor and I have been chatting about the animals at the zoo. We have talked about penguins, polar bears and panda bars. The animals all start with P's and have been relayed in exaggerated tones and get HUGE smiles out of Connor. We are looking forward to a break in the weather so we can get the boys to the zoo so they can see all of the new animals that they have learned in the past couple of months.

Jackson has even got in on the fun grabbing the penguin's beak every time that he sees him.  Connor is  much more affectionate and it is very sweet to watch him and his penguin.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sleeping Update : Butt up and legs crossed

Jackson has been sleeping on his belly since he rolled about a month ago and is taking longer naps and giving us a slight reprieve in the early morning hours. Here are a couple of pics showing off the butt up and legs crossed approach to sleeping.

 Hands on the hips just secures this look.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Jackson and Connor : 6 months

We had our doctor's with Dr. Sibila on July 8th.  He was so happy with their progress and indicated that Connor was growing "like a weed."

Besides Connor growing like a weed, the boys have been up to a lot in their first 6 months. They started together in the cribs and were separated by Mother's day. They gradually developed a routine that has since allowed Michael and I to actually get sleep and not crash on the couch after feeding them at different intervals. We are down to just one overnight/early a.m. feed with Jackson. Both boys appear to be teething as their is lots of drooling and sucking on anything that they can get their hands on.

They are both very active now and can roll around the floor. We just added a Jumperoo so we will have to see how that goes. The exersaucer and activity mat have been life savers in terms of activity time and occupying the babies for breaks for mom and dad. It seems as though things are changing on a daily basis and Michael and I are so happy to be part of the ride.

Jackson weighed in at 15 lbs 10 1/2 ounces and was 26 1/2 inches.

Connor weighed in at 17 lbs 2 ounces and was 27 inches.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Red, Yellow and Blue - please make it stop

One of the exersaucer's animals sings a song about the colors - Red, Yellow and Blue. It is soooo sensitive that we have probably heard the song thousands of time and that wouldn't be an over exaggeration. We have started to turn it off and don't feel all that guilty since the Don spends most of his waking hours in it.

Those eyes tell it all. Overstimulation central.

And, he is moving so fast that it is hard to get a clear picture. Blurry but adorable.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

only the Toucan can tell us what Jackson is up too

Jackson has started to become what we call the "Don of the Exersaucer." He stands in his exersaucer and monitors the goings on in the basement.  Occasionally, he gets overly charged up over the dragonfly and I have had to remove it but the toucan and him have had some exchanges and he may be next.

Here are the pics to prove it...

I don't know if these pictures truly captures how jacked up that Jackson is. Take a close look at the open-mouthed expression. It is soooo funny to watch although he could be over-stimulated but this is the baby that is as happy with a 20 minute power nap or a 3 hour snooze so I doubt it.

While Jackson is monopolizing the exersaucer, Connor is enjoying his time on the activity mat. 

Monday, June 7, 2010

the future man of your dreams found his feet

He found both of them on Memorial day and his brother found them a couple weeks later.

graduation parties

By the time that this will be posted, the boys will have been to 5 graduation parties. I am counting the one in Charles County as an extra party because of the distance and there were 2 graduates. A special thanks to Ms. Jen and Mr. John for their outfits. We do our best to avoid taking attention away from the graduates BUT the boys are kind of irresistible regardless of what they wear.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Connor and Buzz Lightyear

We were shopping in Kohls and they had all of the Toy Story pals in anticipation of Toy Story 3. 

Connor found Buzz Lightyear and they became fast friends. 

He was even willing to take out Baby Boats and flash him a smile.

And, they were definitely having a talk about space ranger things.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

starting Jackson with cereal

Jackson has been more and more observant of Michael and I eating. Without consultation of the doctor, we gave him and Connor some avocado on Memorial Day. Our pediatrician does not think that it will do permanent damage but we were instructed to wait on green vegetables until after a couple of weeks of cereal and yellow/orange vegetables. I know that I was dreading this for awhile but I guess it is good that we can do this one at a time since Connor is still very much interested in his bottle.

a year ago we saw 2 hearbeats ... and now we have Baby A and Baby B

Baby A (Jackson) and Baby B (Connor) showed up in our first ultrasound with Dr. Yazigi on May 27th. He was concerned that Baby A was a lot smaller than Baby B so we didn't know what was going to happen. At our second ultrasound, the doctor spotted heartbeats on both babies and the same on the third. It was overwhelming and scary at the same time to hear the words -- "twins" BUT neither Michael nor I can imagine life without them!!!

Introducing the Door Man

Jackson starts rolling almost immediately once we lay him down in his crib or on the activity mat. Our least favorite rolling efforts are when we are trying to change his diaper/clothes. It is sooo hard at times to get his diaper changed and clothes on him. Because we really have no control over it, he has started to sleep on his belly.

He started on his back... 

Any time that he hears a noise, and any noise, he turns himself around to take a look. 

He is definitely a busy body amd makes sure that nothing gets past him!!!

Modeling swim suits

Lisa let us borrow Benjamin's pool and we have been waiting for the weather to warm up and it has been an exceptionally warm start to the month of June. We brought the pool out for our Memorial Day cook-out and their friends, Avery and Will, helped them celebrate the first of many dips in the pool.   Just a view of Jackson's svelte figure to give you an idea of how cute that he and Connor are in their bathing suits. Connor isn't very happy getting in the suit or getting out of the pool so we are working on pics of him.

our #1 Hunk

Bob Marley = afternoon siesta

I had read that you should try alternative music other than lullabies. The boys both seem to have an appreciation for music and I opted to try Bob Marley's greatest hits for naps recently. Have been using it for naps since the standard nighttime music is Baby Einstein Lullably Classics. It has been working the past couple of days.

Jackson and Connor : 5 months

We can not believe that the boys are 5 months old already. We have had so much fun with them and are so looking forward to so much more. Things are changing daily and hopefully, this blog will help us remember what was going on.

The latest is lots of drooling from Jackson and Connor is starting to show signs of rolling but seems to get stuck and not really worried about making his way over.

They do have some things in common and that is full awareness of the camera. I need help getting their smiles because they are totally distracted by the camera. This has slowed down getting their monthly pictures but we will continue our efforts.

Doctor's appointment next month will give us some updated height and weights. If the doctor tells us that Connor is only 1/2 lb heavier than Jackson, we are going to have to ask for them to be weighed again!!!