Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jackson and Connor : 5 months

We can not believe that the boys are 5 months old already. We have had so much fun with them and are so looking forward to so much more. Things are changing daily and hopefully, this blog will help us remember what was going on.

The latest is lots of drooling from Jackson and Connor is starting to show signs of rolling but seems to get stuck and not really worried about making his way over.

They do have some things in common and that is full awareness of the camera. I need help getting their smiles because they are totally distracted by the camera. This has slowed down getting their monthly pictures but we will continue our efforts.

Doctor's appointment next month will give us some updated height and weights. If the doctor tells us that Connor is only 1/2 lb heavier than Jackson, we are going to have to ask for them to be weighed again!!!

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