Thursday, June 10, 2010

only the Toucan can tell us what Jackson is up too

Jackson has started to become what we call the "Don of the Exersaucer." He stands in his exersaucer and monitors the goings on in the basement.  Occasionally, he gets overly charged up over the dragonfly and I have had to remove it but the toucan and him have had some exchanges and he may be next.

Here are the pics to prove it...

I don't know if these pictures truly captures how jacked up that Jackson is. Take a close look at the open-mouthed expression. It is soooo funny to watch although he could be over-stimulated but this is the baby that is as happy with a 20 minute power nap or a 3 hour snooze so I doubt it.

While Jackson is monopolizing the exersaucer, Connor is enjoying his time on the activity mat. 

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