Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9 Months

It was a super, special September of 2010 with our sweet twins...

The boys had their first doctor's visit since their 6 month appointment. We were so excited to get updated weights and heights. Without further delay...

Jackson weighed in at 18 lbs 3 ounces and was 27 inches
Connor weighted in at 20 lbs 2 ounces and was 29 inches

Their doctor was pleased with how they were progressing and was able to admire first hand how much Jackson had to offer in terms of maneuvering and remarked at how "solid" that Connor was when he picked him up.

Eating updates:

Besides the foods that the babies had already tried, we have continued to take advantage of some of the local farmers markets to get the boys fresh produce like peaches and pears. Also, we really enjoy getting them out in the mornings for the experience. The boys are still having around 30 ounces per day but feeding has been difficult at times. They are starting to sleep later and later, well Jackson is starting to join Connor and trying to give them a couple of bottles in a couple of hours isn't really working. So, this is a work in progress.

Sleeping updates:

There haven't been many changes other than Connor getting better adjusted to having to take a nap. Still napping in the morning and afternoon. The morning nap is getting shorter in time but it is still something.

General updates:

The most important thing in September was our 1st family trip and the boys 1st drive over state lines into Delaware. Other than the trip to Rehoboth, we had a relatively quiet month for us. The boys returned from the trip, as did I, with a slight cold that took awhile to go away. Jackson spent a lot of the month with a runny nose that almost refused to go away despite giving him some Tylenol and using the humidifier on a daily basis. His 2nd tooth arrived and we can now say that he has teeth but it was very sad to watch him with what either appeared to be a consistent cold and/or teething.

The boys are still in 9 month clothes and we had to take Jackson back to a size 2 diaper. There were a lot of "instances" with poop up the back for both boys that led to a lot of frustration and laundry to process. Neither boy wants to sit for diaper changes so we have started to place toys that they like in easy places that we can reach when we know that there is a diaper change in the near future. We didn't switch the size and diaper brand until later in the month but started to notice a difference almost immediately.

Despite a cold for what appeared to be the entire month of September, Jackson's bundle of energy never slowed down. He spent a lot of time crawling and standing and has added furniture surfing to his repertoire. The walker is probably his favorite thing as it feeds off of his desire to get around. His creativity is endless and just amazes most who see him. On one night, he had crawled into the Bumbo and grabbed on to the frame of the walker. He looked liked something out of Gladiator as if he was getting ready to whip his horse/walker to move on. It was so funny that we couldn't stop laughing.

Connor has continued to perfect his sitting and wants to stand whenever possible. This, of course, is difficult because he doesn't realize that he actually needs to hold on to something to make this happen. He appears to be looking at Jackson and under the assumption that standing and maneuvering should happen immediately. When Connor falls down in one of these situations, he appears to be more devastated than hurt. He has also started to flop around like a fish out of water. Everyone around him is encouraging him to crawl but we know that he is in charge.

The initial optimistic words from last month with regard to Jackson caring for Connor have almost disappeared.  Jackson still notices Connor but for a different reason -- to take whatever he has. With Connor sitting up and getting around a little more, Jackson has started to realize that he can't really push him around as much. His new way of dealing with the better coordinated Connor is to smile in his direction and rub his arm in an attempt to distract him to remove the toy that Connor has. It doesn't matter if he has a similar toy, he wants what he doesn't have and for Connor to be left with nothing. We are working on sharing and continuously give toys back to Connor and encourage Jackson to play with other items like his walker but inevitably, it comes down to the same rattle or block.

Looking forward to an "outstanding" October...

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