Sunday, September 12, 2010

their little seats and working on sippy cups

Connor watching the T.V. I think that it was Sports Center. Starting him early..

I had spotted these "little seats" online and thought that it would be a great alternative to eating out with the boys. They have worked well and it makes them feel as though they are part of the group. Plus, they actually fold down and fit back into their matching fabric bags. These pics are from our dinner at the Summerhouse Salon in Rehoboth. Usually, it is the boys that attract attention but this time it was their seats. From the hostesses (who were almost in shock when we indicated that they boys didn't need a highchair) to the servers and other people eating in the restaurant, there were lots of questions and attention, as usual.

The boys have been given a sippy cup to introduce the idea of drinking out of something other than a bottle. Both realized that they needed to pick it up with both hands and figured that they could get something out of it or use it for a teether. Hopefully, this will help during our transition to no bottles (sigh, they are getting too big too fast!!).

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