Monday, January 17, 2011


My last day at Frank, Frank & Scherr, LLC (at this point in my life) was this past Wednesday, January 12, 2011. In the process of trying to find a replacement for Kim and Christine, it became very clear that the best decision for our family was to stay at home with the boys. I had off the last two weeks in December and realized that it was a lot of fun to be around the boys and how unfairly frustrated that I was with them on my days off. I was constantly in a rush and nobody was getting my best effort and most importantly in this equation was Jackson and Connor. They have become sooo much fun to be around and are learning new things daily. Anybody that we would have hired would have been fine BUT I couldn't have a total stranger/employee find Connor's first tooth or see his first step.

The decision for me to return to work after the boys were born came very easily to me. I knew that feeding, changing diapers and putting babies down for naps every couple of hours would have been too monotonous. So, work provided me with an outlet to interact with adults. Now that they are so much more interactive, I couldn't imagine being anywhere other than here. So, we are off on a new adventure!!

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